I'm an international student. I’ve just enrolled after completing high school and am feeling homesick.
Under 18s Counsellor
Suzannah Fernandes
I would like to talk to someone about a difficult situation I am going through that has now begun to affect my studies.
Mental Health Counsellor
Rubiena Zahoor or Mitzi Amaral
I have a learning difference and will require additional support with my studies.
Inclusion Counsellor or Teaching Assistant
Siobhan McNiff or Sophie Azoury
I am not able to manage my time and would like to get some help with an upcoming assignment
Drop-in session
Ms. Faiza Umar, Ms. Siobhan McNiff or Ms. Sophie Azoury
I am an international student and since I am going to be at university for the next few years, I would like to learn Arabic.
MDX Language and Culture Exchange Programme
When I get to Year 1 in my selected programme, since I have great grades in IFP, I would like to help my younger peers at university.
Student Learning Assistants Programme
My friend has a disability and will need additional support at university. Who should they contact?
Inclusion Counsellor
Siobhan McNiff