Believed that African Americans should assimilate themselves into white society by furthering their education and fight for their civil rights rather than wait for them to be granted to them eventually
Who is W. E. B. Du Bois
A movement in which many black artists and intellectuals took part in that explored the richness of the African American heritage
What is the Harlem Renaissance
A group of writers and artists criticized American middle-class conformity
Who are the beatniks
An effort by a group of Cuban exiles to overthrow the Castro regime
What is the Bay of Pigs
The act that prohibited any homosexual or bisexual person from disclosing his or her sexual orientation or from speaking about any homosexual relationships, including marriages or other familial attributes, while serving in the United States armed forces
What is Don't Ask Don't Tell
Act that allowed the government to ban "seditious" materials form the mail and established harsh punishments for spying, sabotage, or obstruction of the war effort
What is the Espionage Act of 1917
Successful part of the New Deal that authorized the federal completion of a major dam project
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority
Program that allowed America to provide arms to any nation deemed vital to American defense
What is the Lend-Lease Act
The President who proposed Medicare
Who is Lyndon Johnson
Leader that proposed the new german policies of glasnot and perestroika
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev
Leader of the American Federation of Labor who believed workers shouldn't rely on government to improve their lot
What is Samuel Gompers
President that sought higher tariffs to protect American farmers
Who is Herbert Hoover
The court case stating that American citizens of Japanese descent can be interned and deprived of basic constitutional rights; first application of the strict scrutiny test
What is Korematsu v. United States
Court case that struck down abortion laws restricting abortion prior to viability as unconstitutional, prohibiting most restrictions in the first trimester and permitting only health-related restrictions in the second
What is Roe v. Wade
Program based on the assumption that tax cuts would free up funds for new investments
What is Reaganomics
Radical Group that advocated the general strike as a way toward abolishing "wage slavery" and sought to organize the most exploited workers in areas such as mining and timber
What is the Industrial Workers of the World IWW
Court case that stated treaties made by the federal government are supreme over any state concerns about such treaties having abrogated any states' rights arising under the Tenth Amendment.
What is Missouri v. Holland
First bill passed since Reconstruction that fave federal protection to African Americans seeking to register to vote
What is the the Civil Rights Bill
A secret government study of the war's origins that was leaked to the New York Times
What are the Pentagon Papers
Program that sought to make nuclear weapons obsolete by providing a shield to block incoming missiles
What is Star Wars
Name given to the summer of in which peaked racial disputes resulted in violent riots in Chicago and other cities.
What is the Red Summer
Act that reduced the number of immigrants from each country to 2% of the 1890 population and barred immigration from East Asia
What is the National Origins Act
The man who instituted the "rollback" policy against communist expansion
Who is John Foster Dulles
Treaty signed by Nixon with the Soviet Union in an attempt toward greater international stability by regulating the level of both country's nuclear weapons
What is the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)
Newt Gingrich's set of conservative principles that included drastically reducing taxes and federal spending
What is the Contract with America