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Social Media

This number one social network goes head-to-head with Google on a daily basis for top referrer to many major sites, and for top most-visited site on the web.

What is Facebook


The number of followers CenturyLink has on LinkedIn?

What is 161,966


A way to shout out to other users of a social network in a post, comment or tweet.

What is mentions (@)


To adjust to a new situation. A sailor is said to get his --- ---- when he is able to walk steadily despite the rolling and pitching of the vessel.

What is a sea legs


these metrics demonstrate the effectiveness of your social engagement.

What is conversion


The second largest search platform, this video-based social media is second largest social network by some measures.

What is YouTube


The number of followers CenturyLink has on Instagram?

What is 1837? 


A button placed on Web sites and blogs that Facebook members click to approve of the latest posts from those venues on their personal news feed

What is a like


News feeds which you receive straight into your account

What is twitter feed


These metrics show how audiences are interacting with your content.

What is engagement


On the border between big and b-list, this smaller top platform focuses on careers and business connections.

What is LinkedIn


This social media platform receives a lot of negative commentary for CenturyLink. 

What is Facebook


Attaching short, searchable phrases as labels to posts, images, etc. allowing for easy linking and navigation.

What is tagging


Another name for your twitter profile picture.

What is an avatar


These metrics illuminate your current and potential audience.

What is awareness


As opposed to “profiles” this type of Facebook content is geared toward business uses.

What is Page or Fan Page


This CenturyLink, troll-worthy social media platform has over 34,800 followers?

What is Twitter


A live, real-time stream of all friends' posts that is available to select customers.

What is a timeline


Also called a DM and most recently called simply a "message," these Tweets are private between the sender and recipient. Tweets sent over SMS become DMs when they begin with "d username" to specify who the message is for.

What is direct message


When you post as your page but don't put any money behind this post to “boost” it, you are creating an?

What is organic post


71 percent of the world’s largest brands have adopted this site, which now rivals the brand adoption of Google+ and Pinterest, making it the fastest growing social network worldwide. The report included brand hashtag monitoring, multi-account monitoring, competitive monitoring and a complete social media snapshot.

What is Instagram


This CenturyLink social media platform has over 16,000 followers? 

What is YouTube? 


The Graphics Interchange Format, is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite on June 15, 1987.

What is a GIF


My Twitter users, or Twitter followers.

What is tweeple or tweeps


 Any post in your news feed that has the “Sponsored” tag is ---- ------. If you then “like” that post, that is considered a ---- --------?

What is paid social / paid reaction