muscle stiffness, spasticity, and lack of balance
a high incidence of this is often from musculoskeletal abnormality rather than misaligned teeth
what is malocclusion?
CP is more common in this gender
what is boys/males?
difficulty swallowing
what is dysphagia?
symptoms are usually observed during this year after birth
what is the first year?
this can cause orofacaial muscles to interfere with daily oral care
what is spasticity?
the brain damage causing the condition does not worsen over time
what is non-progressive?
also known as an orthosis, is a medical device that supports, corrects, or improves the function of a body part
what is an orthotic device?
convulsions and a lack of consciousness are common with this symptom of CP
what is seizure?
Gastroesphogeal reflux can cause this of oral tissues
what is erosion?
1 out of how many children in the US are diagnosed with CP
what is 345?
the part of the brain that directs motor function
what is the cerebral cortex?
these can worsen if not treated aggressively
what is muscle shortening and muscle rigidity?
increased food retention can be caused by this
what is ineffective self-care?
infections of this parent can be related to the cause of CP
who is the mother?
a speech disorder characterized by difficulty speaking due to damage or dysfunction in the muscles used for speech
what is dysarthria?