How many days in advance should you request time off?
30 days
When should you know how many children are under your care? (census)
At all times
What doors must always be closed and locked ?
Hint :6 answers
Chemical Closet
Hygiene Closets
Med Closet
Office Doors
Basement Doors
Bedding Doors
Crafts Closet
When should alarm check be conducted?
Every Shift
What time is bed time ?
What time is lights out?
Who is responsible for keeping you in compliance?
How long can residents be left unsupervised while eating snack, doing arts and craft or during study hour?
0 min 0 seconds
Where should the movement log be kept during the shift?
ALWAY in staff possession.
How often should room checks be conducted?
Every day
Who is responsible for the house cleanliness?
How many hours prior to shift should you CALL out ?
hint: 2 answers
2 hrs day shifts
5 hrs overnight shifts
What is the resident to staff ratio in UIM?
Hint: 2 answers
1:8 awake times
1:12 Overnights
What items are not allowed in resident rooms?
Hint: Many answers can be right, name at least 3
Sharp objects
Hygiene items
Craft items
By when should notes, recreation, leisure, fresh start, acculturation, community meeting, and life skills be submitted by ?
By the end of the shift
How often should food be checked for dates and quality?
at LEAST once a day
Who is allowed to drive the YFT vehicles?
Is there an exception to this rule?
ONLY HR approved individuals. No exeptions
What is resident to staff ratio in RTC?
Hint: 2 answers
1:4 awake times
1:8 Overnight
What should you do if there is something that is not working or broken in the home?
place a campus ops ticket
Who is responsible for what happens on the shift and completion of tasks during?
Everyone that is working it.
How many lights should be on in the house during overnight shift?
All lights should be on
What is the PROPER call out procedure?
CALL supervisor, if direct supervisor can not be contacted, supervisor supervisor (or supervisor on shift) must be called. Staff must speak to human person.
What is active supervision?
being within sight and sound of resident, actively engaging and visually supervising residents.
What is the order an intake should be completed?
drug screen
Lice Treatment
Interview (if present)
Phone Call
How long do you have to submit a CLE?
4 hrs -24hrs depending on what type of CLE
What is Ms. Sally biggest pet peeve regarding the house?
Hint: Many answers can be right name at least 3
Dirty house
Leaving doors open
Leaving keys/staff items unattended
Smelly house
Items being left out of place