Kuulsad tegelased

Millist värvi on Frankenstein „Hotell Transilvaanias“?

In Hotel Transylvania, what color is Frankenstein?

Hele sinine



Kuidas nimetatakse gootilist romaani teadlasest, kes loob koletise?

What is the name of the Gothic novel about a scientist who creates a monster?



Millisest riigist pärineb Halloween?

a. Iirimaa b. Šotimaa c. Portugal

Halloween originated in what country?

a. Ireland b. Scotland c. Portugal

a. Irimaa

a. Ireland


Spooky, scary _____



Mida ütlevad lapsed, kui nad Halloweeni ajal komme jahivad?

What do children say when they hunt for candy on Halloween?

Trick or treat!


Milline on kõigi aegade õudusfilm nr 1?

What is the #1 scary movie ever?

a. All hallows eve (2013) b. The Exorcist (1973) c. Alien (1979)

b. The Exorcist


Mis oli Krahv Dracula ajalooline nimi?

a. Dragosh Suur b. Vlad Mõrvar c. Dmity Hirmu Dmity

What was Count Dracula's historical name?

a. Dragosh the Great b. Vlad the Impaler c. Dmity the Scary

b. Vlad Mõrvar

b. Vlad the Impaler


Umbes mitu aastat tagasi pärineb Halloween?

Approximately how many years does Halloween date back?

a. 500 b. 1000 c. 2000



Kes kirjutas kõik laulud filmile „Õudusunenägu enne jõule“?

Who wrote all the songs for The Nightmare Before Christmas?

a. Terry Riley b. Tim Burton c. Danny Elfman

Danny Elfman


Enne kui kõrvitsate nikerdamine muutus normiks, millist juurvilja nikerdasid iirlased selle asemel Halloweeni puhul?

a. Sibulat b. Naeris c. Melonid

Before carving pumpkins became the norm, what root vegetable did the Irish carve for Halloween instead?

a. Onions b. Turnips c. Melons

b. Naeris

b. Turnips


Millisest Stephen Kingi romaanist on tehtud kaks korda film?

Which Stephen King novel was made into a film twice?

a. It b. The Shining c. Pet semetary

Kõik vastused on õiged!

All of the above answears are corect!


Hocus Pocus'i kolm nõidu on Winnie, Mary ja kes?

The three witches in Hocus Pocus are Winnie, Mary, and who?

a. Sasha b. Sandra c. Sarah

c. Sarah


Halloween originated from an ancient ___ festival.

a. Nordic b. Slavic c. Celtic

Halloween sai alguse iidsest ___ festivalist.

a. Põhjamaine b. Slaavi c. Keldi 

c. Celtic

c. Keldi


Mis on kõige enam mängitud Halloweeni laul?

What is the most played Halloween song?

a. Thriller (Michael Jackson) b. main theme of the movie "Ghostbusters" c. Monster Mash (Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers)

c. Monster Mash


Halloweeni "apple bobbing" komme tuleneb kurameerimisrituaalist: tõsi või vale?

The Halloween tradition of bobbing for apples stemmed from a courting ritual: true or false?




Milliseks muutub Emily filmi „Corpse Bride“ lõpus?

What does Emily turn into at the end of Corpse Bride?


Swarm of butterflies


Miks inimesed jahtisid mummiaid?

a. et teha värvi b. et saada oma aardeid c. et teha neist ravimit

Why people were hunting for mummeys?

a. to make paint b. to get their treasures c. to make medicine ot of them

Kõik vastused on õiged!

All of the above answears are corect!


Kust tuleb sõna „Halloween“?

Where does the word "Halloween" come from?

1. November sai nimeks All Hallows Eve, millest lõpuks sai Halloween.

1. November was called All Hallows Eve, which eventually became Halloween.


Mis aastal tehti viimane muusikal „Phantom Of The Opera“ adaptsioon?

What year was the last adaptation ot the musical "Phantom Of The Opera" made?

a. 1976 b. 1991 c. 2007

b. 1991


Mida tähendab iidse legendi kohaselt ämbliku nägemine Halloweenil?

a. kallim valvab sind b. järgmine aasta saab olema hea c. sa oled 7 aastat neetud

According to ancient legend, seeing a spider on Halloween means what?

a. a loved one is watching over you b. next year will be good c. you'll be cursed for 7 years

a. kallim valvab sind

a. a loved one is watching over you


Milline on pikim õudusfilmide frantsiis?

Which is the longest horror movie franchise?

a. Saw b. Friday the 13th c. A nightmare on Elm street

b. Friday the 13th (12 movies)


Mis religioonist nõiamüts tuli?

a. Judaism b. Islam c. Paganlus

What religion did the witch hat come from?

a. Judaism b. Islam c. Paganism

a. Judaism


Milline kuulus inimene suri Halloweenil: Audrey Hepburn, Harry Houdini, Aretha Franklin või Edgar Allen Poe?

Which famous person died on Halloween: Audrey Hepburn, Harry Houdini, Aretha Franklin, or Edgar Allen Poe?

Harry Houdini


Milline žanr oli Halloweeni muusika eelkäija?

Which genre was a prucursor for Halloween music?

a. blues b. gothic rock c. jazz

a. blues


Which spirit is most summoned on Halloween?

Millist vaimu kutsutakse Halloweeni puhul kõige rohkem esile?

a. Charley Charley b. Bloody Mary c. Babadook

b. Bloody Mary