The Rock Cycle & Plate Tectonics
Layers of the Earth & Earth's Processes
Pangaea, Theory of Continental Drift & History
Rock Dating 101
Dinosaurs & Disasters
This type of rock forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
What is sedimentary Rock?
The outermost layer of the Earth.
What is the crust?
A hypothesis that all continents used to be joined together in a single landmass called Pangaea, but since then they have drifted apart.
What is the Theory of Continental Drift?
When looking at a series of layers of rock (aka strata), the oldest rocks will be on the bottom and the youngest rocks will be on the top as long as the layers are undisturbed.
What is the Law of Superposition?
Asteroid impact, radiation, ice age, excessive volcanoes.
What are the 4 theories of extinction?
Weathering, water freezing and melting, and organisms are causes for the _______________ of rocks.
What are 3 ways rocks can be broken down?
A large rock has been continually exposed to a great deal of snow and freezing temperatures over the past weeks. The liquid has filled in the spaces of the rock, freezes, and then melts. This process repeats several times until the rock breaks into small pieces.
What is mechanical weathering?
BACKWARDS QUESTION: What can explain the discovery of marine (sea-life) fossils in desert?
The area was once covered by water.
This type of rock dating: Layer 1 - dinosaur skull (youngest) Layer 2 - trilobite fossil (older) Layer 3 - rock (oldest)
What is relative dating?
What is the largest/most recognized dinosaur?
Mountains, volcanoes and subduction occurs as crust is destroyed at this boundary.
What is a convergent boundary?
A rock that lets ground water pass through is considered these two things.
What is porous and permeability?
Continents fit together like puzzle pieces, fossils on different continents match, and warm-weather plant fossils can be found on islands in the arctic.
What are 3 pieces of evidence for Pangaea?
5,730 years and 4.468 billion years.
What are the half-lives of C-14 and U-238?
After this body smashed into Earth's crust, dense clouds formed following the collision, reducing the amount of sunlight which caused a global drop in temperature.
What is the Asteroid Impact Theory?
At this boundary, Mid-Atlantic (Mid-Ocean) Ridge exhibits sea floor spreading. Crust can be created.
What is a divergent boundary?
This layer is extremely hot and believed to be solid iron and nickel.
What is the inner core?
Mantle convection currents where hot magma rises and cooler magma sinks.
What is the cause of tectonic plate movement?
Useful in dating material that is extremely old because it breaks down at a slower rate.
What is Uranium 238 (U-238)?
A nearby star exploded as a supernova. It produced a deadly wave of cosmic radiation. It destroyed the Earth’s atmosphere. Most of the survivors were then wiped out by radiation sickness or cancer.
What is the Theory of Radiation?
Large amounts of continual erosion of material over long periods of time.
What is an unconformity?
A liquid layer of iron and nickel where temperatures can reach up to 6,000 degrees Celsius.
What is the outer core?
These correlate (or closely match) the existence of life on Earth with geological events.
What are geologic time scales?
100g of a substance exists, after______ years HALF of the substance remains (50g).
What is 5730 years or one half-life of C-14?
A chain of volcanic eruptions made enough lava to fill an area the size of France. Each volcano let out huge amounts of sulphur dioxide gas.
What is the Theory of Excessive Volcanoes?