What is the name of the UIUC student section at basketball games?
The Orange Krush
What does the B[U]ILT acronym stand for
Black [Underrepresented] Indigenous Latinx in Tech
Who was the main performer at the Super Bowl 2025?
Kendrick Lamar
Who is known as the "father of modern computing" for his work on breaking the Enigma code during World War II?
Alan Turing
As of September 2024, what was Grainger Engineering ranked in US undergraduate engineering programs? (U.S. News & World Report)
#5 in US Undergraduate Engineering
Where is the B[U]ILT room located?
Basement of Siebel Center CS
Who is Timothee Chalamet dating?
Kylie Jenner
Who is known as the "father of modern physics" and developed the theory of relativity?
Albert Einstein
What Big Ten team is UIUC’s biggest football rival?
Northwestern University
Which office will WCS be visiting for this year's Chicago Retreat?
What program in the Grainger College of Engineering is related to B[U]ILT and a lot of B[U]ILT's members are apart of.
Morrill Engineering Program (MEP)
Who has the most followers on Instagram?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Who is known as the "mother of computer programming", having been credited with having developed the first algorithm intended for machines?
Ada Lovelace
What was the name of the eastern gray squirrel that died on October 8, 2022 on Springfield Avenue?
pinto bean (RIP you will be missed)
What is the name of the hackathon WCS hosts in the fall?
Code Ada
What are two other RSOs that B[U]ILT does a lot of collabs with?
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Between which Youtubers was there a battle for "most subscribers" a couple years back
What famous UIUC alumnus co-founded YouTube?
Steve Chen
What was the original name of U of I from its founding in 1867 to 1885?
Illinois Industrial University
What is the name of the program within WCS that matches members with like-minded mentors to foster a supportive community?
The WCS Mentoring Program
What is the newest committee B[U]ILT just created?
Outreach Committee
What is Beyoncé's last name?
Who is the co-inventor of the transistor and the theory of superconductivity, honored by the naming of Bardeen Quad?
John Bardeen