how many digits make up PIN?
whats the purpose of a check register?
A place to record all monetary transactions for a checking account.
What should you wear to a job interview
Dress Pants ,Button Up, Dress Shoes , Formal Dress
whats the riskest type of investment?
what does the "S" in SMART goals mean?
What does a check need in order to be deposited?
An endorsement
What is a
Your out of pocket responsibility
Should you call the company you just had an interview with less then a week later to see if you got the job
How is the stock market different from a
savings account
The stock market is risky and uncertain while savings has a set interest rate
what does the "M" in SMART goals mean?
what's a principal?
amount of money borrowed
What is a credit card?
Credit cards allow borrowing for purchases with later repayment, offering financial flexibility and emergency funds.
What should you not wear to a job interview
Jeans, Slides/Sandal's , Non Formal Dresses , Shorts
What is ROI?
Ratio of money gained or lost on an investment
relative to the amount of money invested
what does the "A" in SMART goals mean?
What are the 2 ways to get paid from a job?
Depositing a check
Direct deposit
what is Finance Charge on a credit card
Interest charge on your credit card
Is it important to list your soft skills to the interviewer
What are the 5 types of insurance?
1.Car 2 health 3.homeowners 5.dential
what does the "R" in SMART goals mean?
What are the two types of stocks we learned?
Common & Preferred
What is cash advance on a credit card
Taking money out of the atm with your credit card
Is it benifcial to know about the past of the company and how they treat there costumers/clients
What is a premium?
The price you pay for insurance -ex: monthly
what does the "T" in SMART goals mean?