Reopen/ Non-Feedback Options
CFT Next Steps
State Farm Fun Facts
State Farm Acronyms

Policyholder Paul Bunyan calls Escalation two months after his complaint was resolved. He has no new information to provide but wants to speak to ECC Retention leadership again to clarify something they told him during their initial resolution conversation. The CFT OSS should... 

reopen the record using the Additional Contact Requested option.


Supervisor Celine Dion IMs a CFT OSS because the eFIT record she is trying to access is locked. The CFT OSS should...

either unlock the record (for those who have access) or refer Celine to the CFT analyst.


State Farm was founded in the year...



Policyholder Kevin Bacon calls to insure a new vehicle. His current household includes two private passenger vehicles, one of which was recently totaled. The claim is still open. The correct procedure is...

a replacement


IOA stands for...

Inexperienced Operator Adjustment


Claim specialist Bobby Orr submitted an eFIT record to complain about a poor experience he had while on the phone with ILR representative Caitlin Clark. The CFT OSS should...

close the record using the Claims submitted internal feedback for claims option.


Supervisor Walter Payton calls a CFT OSS because he wants to know which section of a cited knowledge resource contains the information supporting CFT's research. The CFT OSS should...

confirm which section of the article they are referencing in their research.


In 2006, State Farm sponsored the Disney/Pixar animated movie...



Policyholder Jennifer Garner calls to remove Ben Affleck as a driver from her auto insurance policy. The correct procedure is...

refer to agent


SAE stands for...

Simplified Auto Experience

ECC Retention Supervisor Miles Teller closes an eFIT record submitted by State Farm Agent Jenna Ortega on behalf of policyholder Paul Newman. Miles' follow-up notes state that he made two attempts to reach Jenna without success. There are no other follow-up notes. The CFT OSS should...

reopen the record using the Follow-Up Incomplete: Re-Open Agent on behalf of Policyholder Complaint option.


Supervisor Kate Beckinsale IMs a CFT OSS to discuss an eFIT record she received. Kate's IM reads, "Good, afternoon. Do you have five minutes to chat about eFIT record 11E-12345? You cited PRO200765 regarding an alleged error for my specialist failing to review existing notes. I am reading that article a different way than you represented it in your research. The CFT OSS should...

direct Kate to submit a dispute.


In 1997, the Customer Response Center (CRC) opened in the following locations...

Bloomington, IL

El Paso, TX

Jacksonville, FL


Policyholder Tom Holland is moving out of his mother's house. He also purchased a new vehicle, for which he traded in his mother's old minivan. The correct procedure is...

a replacement with a release of credits


TDIP stands for...

Texas Driving Insurance Plan


During a routine audit, CFT Supervisor Stevie Ray Vaughn discovers a complaint that a CFT OSS closed as a duplicate the previous week. The original complaint was an agent staff complaint and the complaint closed as a duplicate was an agent on behalf of policyholder complaint. Stevie sends the complaint back to the CFT OSS so they can...

reopen the record using the CFT Error option.


Supervisor Mark Ruffalo IMs a CFT OSS to ask what steps he should complete the resolve the customer's complaint. The CFT OSS should...

refer Mark to his Operations leadership team.


The first vehicle (year and make) insured by State Farm was a...

1919 Hudson


Policyholder Chris Rock (PA) purchased a new, additional vehicle. However, the specialist determines that his existing auto policy is in a CANLT status but has not yet gone out of force. The correct procedure is...

an added vehicle application after collecting the past due amount on the existing SFPP account.

ARRP stands for...

Accident Record Rating Plan


Policyholder Cal Naughton Jr. submitted a complaint alleging that ECC Retention Supervisor Ricky Bobby insulted him during a conversation regarding a complaint Cal had filed against ECC Retention specialist Jean Girard. The CFT OSS should...

close the record as non-feedback using the Feedback about ECC Supervisor option.


Manager JK Rowling contacts a CFT OSS with allegations that a different CFT OSS intentionally misrepresented something in their research. The CFT OSS is should...

refer JK to CFT leadership.


In 1951, State Farm achieved its first radio advertisement by sponsoring...

"Cecil Brown and the News"


Policyholder Lainey Wilson is moving from Oklahoma to Georgia and will be replacing her existing vehicle. Lainey already has a house in Georgia and pays her homeowners policy via SFPP. The correct procedure is...

a state-to-state replacement without the SFPP region-to-region transfer. Pend the application for SFPP, send Lainey her documents, and request that the agent contact SFPP to move the policy to the correct SFPP account. 


FTCM stands for...

Combined Fire, Theft, and Combined Additional Coverage for Malicious Mischief and Vandalism