
What are participants using each day to explore different festivals?

The 5 senses


What journey are participants following for the week of Ignite?

The participants are following Mosaic Martain’s journey as they participate in a festival


What important topic are participants discussing on Day 1?

Representation in the Media


What 2 sports are participants playing at Mosaic this year?

Volleyball and Field Hockey


What is the objective of the hook activity “Name Splashdown” on Day 1 of Splash?

The objective is to learn each other's names and get to know each other better


What are participants making for the main activity on the day they explore the sense of smell?



For the Escape Room activity during Task 2: Matching Scenarios, what should counselors have their participants do with the fixed mindset statements first before giving them the growth mindset statements to begin matching?

For Station 2 (Matching): Start by giving participants the fixed statements and asking them to think of a corresponding growth statement. Only reveal all the prompts for them to match after this.


What are the only two requirements participants must follow when creating their plays?

1) The main character must be Ismaili

2) Every participant must say at least one line


How do participants start and end each day of sports?

They start with “Dynamic Warm-Ups” and end with a “Huddle”


On Day 2, what is the main game the participants are playing?

Splashball (Inspired by Kickball)


Describe how to run the “Festival Music” activity with your participants on Day 4.

Potential Answer: Each group will use 8 glasses that have different amounts of water to play a simple tune. They will first use the metal spoon to figure out the pitch of each glass and then arrange the glasses to play a melody/song.


What is the objective of the “Wash your Fears Away” activity on Day 3 of Ignite?

Example Answer: Participants will understand that it is normal to have fears and it is our brain’s way of keeping us safe from danger. But when our fears make us over-scared or stop us from doing the things we need to or we enjoy, they can start to hold us back. Therefore, participants will write down their fears and symbolize washing them away in the water.


What are the office workers’ role in the game "Late for Work"?

Their role is to help the late worker guess the excuse by acting it out.


Name 3 of the 4 types of hits participants will learn in Volleyball?

1) Underhand Serve

2) Overhand Serve

3) Bump Shot

4) Set Shot


On Day 3, counselors should emphasize the connection between the Sponge Toss activity and the concept of _______.

Teamwork in the real world


When participants are making their festival filters on Day 3 (sight day), what is 1 of the 2 callouts counselors must ensure regarding the filters for the activity?

Counselors should:

1) Have participants label their festival filters before the end of the session

2) Make sure the filters REMAIN FOLDED for the ENTIRE activity


Answer either question about Day 4 (Groups can get 100 additional points if they answer both correctly):

Groups 1-2: What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping?

Groups 3-4: How would you explain to a participant why people use non he/him or she/her pronouns?

Groups 1-2: Healthy coping skills improve our situation while unhealthy skills only provide temporary relief (sleeping, ignoring problems, binge eating, etc.). Healthy coping skills relieve the intensity of the emotion while causing NO harm to ourselves or others.

Groups 3-4: Some people feel that the words "he" or "she" don’t quite capture how they feel about themselves inside. They feel that “he” or “she” doesn't tell the whole story of who they are. Using "they" or another pronoun can be a way for some to feel more like themselves when referred to. It’s really all about feeling comfortable and true to who you are.


Why might the game “Party Quirks” played on Day 4 be challenging for some participants?

Participants might feel nervous to act alone in front of the rest of the age group


What are the 4 positions played in field hockey?

1) Forward

2) Midfielder

3) Defender

4) Goalie


In the Musical Sponges activity, When a participant is out where do they go?

Kiddie Pool