3 Paradigms

The founder of Hull House, a center that served needy immigrants through social and educational programs.

Who is Jane Addams?


This sociological theory, developed by Herbert Spencer, likens society to a human body, where various institutions function like organs to maintain societal stability. 

What is Funtionalism?


A systematic process of developing and testing theories about the social world using empirical evidence, is essential for ensuring that sociological studies are objective, accurate, and logically organized. 

What is the scientific method?


The systematic study of society and social interaction

What is sociology?


A group’s shared practices, values, and beliefs

What is culture?


Charles Herbert Cooley came up with idea that individuals compare themselves to others in order to check themselves against social standards and remain part of the group.

What is “the looking-glass self”?


This major criticism of structural-functionalism highlights its inability to fully account for this key aspect of societal evolution and its tendency to justify repetitive behaviors as functional without concrete evidence.

What is social change?


This part of sociological research focuses on understanding the complexities of human behavior and social practices by providing new insights rather than simply confirming right or wrong answers, and it usually involves studying a wide range of social phenomena, from crime to vacation trends.

What is exploring human behavior?


A group of people who live in a defined geographical area who interact with one another and who share a common culture.

What is a society?


This term talks about the tendency to judge other cultures by the standards of one’s own culture, often leading to the belief that one’s own cultural practices are superior to others.

What is ethnocentrism?


He researched the chronically unemployed, the currently unemployed, and the working classes. 

Who is Thorstein Veblen?


This theory which is associated with Karl Marx, views society as a constant struggle for limited resources, where dominant groups maintain their power and oppress others through social institutions.

What is conflict theory?


This step involves reviewing existing studies and data to understand previous work on a topic, identify gaps, and build upon prior knowledge. It is crucial for refining research designs and ensuring proper citation of ources. 

What is conducting a literature review?


A scholarly research step that entails identifying and studying all existing studies on a topic to create a basis for new research  

What is a literature review?


This term is the disorientation and discomfort people experience when encountering different cultures that challenge their en expectations and values.

What is culture shock?


His groundbreaking 1896-1897 study of the African American community in Philadelphia incorporated hundreds of interviews Du Bois conducted in order to document the familial and employment structures and assess the chief challenges of the community.

Who is W.E.B DuBois?


This sociologist agreed with Marx but argued that social conflict is aso driven by inequalities in political power and social status, and that factors like education, race, and gender play. a key role in how people experience inequality. 

Who is Max Weber?


This concept refers to how well a study measures what it was designed to measure, ensuring that the results accurately reflect the intended phenomenon. 

What is validity?


A stress hormone released by the adrenal glands when encountering a stressor; helps to provide a boost of energy, thereby preparing the individual to take action.

What is cortisol?


This term is when there are differences in acceptance and adaption to new technologies between generations, which can lead to gaps in how people use and perceive technological innovations.

What is the generation gap?


One of the first sociologists to focus on ethnic minorities, he wrote on the Belgian oppression of the Congolese.

Who is Robert E. Park?


This micro-level theory focuses on how people use language and symbols to create and share meaning in their social interactions, emphasizing that individuals actively shape the social world through their communication. 

What is Symbolic Interactionism?


This research method involves gathering information through instruments like questionnaires, high can collect both quantities data and qualitative data. It aims to understand how people can think, feel, and act, often using samples to represent larger populations.

What is a survey?


The second stage of the general adaption syndrome; the body adapts to a stressor for a period of time

What is stage of resistance?


This theory describes how cultural norms and values create and reinforce power structures, often leading to the oppression of less powerful groups, and contrasts with functionalism by focusing on socio-cultural struggles and material production.

What is conflict theory?