A period of rule
what is regime
Government by a king or queen whose power is limited by a constitution.
what is constitutional monarchy
A government in which people elect representatives to rule for them.
what is a republic
The wealthy members of French society, such as landlords, whowere also part of the Third Estate; people who were neither nobles or peasants.
what are bourgeois
A system of rights or justice that is shared by all people and that comes from nature, not the rules of society.
what is natural law
A revival of ancient Greek and Roman ideas, especially in literature, art, or architecture.
what is neoclassicism
A king or queen who has the unchecked authority to do whatever he or she wants without any restrictions.
what is absolute monarch
In France, everyone who was not a member of the nobility or clergy;included everyone from the poorest of the poor to the wealthy middle class.
what is the third estate
An assembly made up of representatives from France’s Three Estates.
what is estates-general
The title given to the prince who is next in line to inherit the French throne.
what is dauphin
One-tenth of a person’s income, paid to support a church.
what is a tithe
A document stating a person’s legal ownership.
what is a title deed
A group of people chosen to speak on behalf of a larger group.
what is delegation
Characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; cruel or unjust.
what is tyrannical
A group of representatives with the power to make laws for the country.
what is a legislative assembly