The means for determining what a society’s values ought to be.
What is Ethics?
the first 10 Amendments in the U.S. Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights?
District Courts, Courts of Appeals, and U.S. Supreme Court.
What is the Tiers of Federal Court System
A plea to declare the current trial invalid and start over.
what is a motion for a mistrial?
A witness may not give their opinions unless they are.
What is an expert witness?
Give 3 Examples of where we get our ethics from.
What is Childhood Upbringing, Family, Life Experiences, Peers, Religion, Culture, and Region
The main source of U.S. law
The U.S. Constitution
Affirm, Reverse, Remand, and Modify
What are the decisions Appellate Courts can make?
To serve on a jury in the United States, you must meet the following qualifications (name 3)
A witness testified, "Susan told me that Tom was in town." This is an example of?
What is hearsay?
''treat others how you want to be treated''
What is the Golden Rule Principle
A judge is required to follow an earlier court decision when deciding a case with similar circumstances.
What is Common Law?
A court that hands delinquent, unruly, abused, or neglected cases. They focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment.
What are Juvenile Courts?
In criminal cases, the burden of proof needs to be what?
What is beyond a reasonable doubt?
Attorneys may help their witnesses remember.
What is called refreshing the collection?
What are the FOUR Ethical Character Traits
Honesty, Compassion, Justice, and Intergrity
Supreme Court can declare laws Unconstitutional.
What is Judicial Review?
Type of federal court that hears cases with original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction.
What is U.S. Supreme Court?
The process of questioning or presenting evidence to undermine a witness's credibility during a trial.
What is impeaching the witness?
Written law passed by a legislative body, such as a state legislature or Congress.
What is a statute?
Identify the ethical dilemma.
Identify alternative actions.
Identify the affected parties.
Identify the effects of the alternatives on the parties.
Select the best alternative.
What is the Ethical Decision Model?
Federal Agencies (i.e. FDA) can create, enforce, and regulate what type of laws?
What is administrative agency?
Federal Courts have jurisdiction over what types of cases? (Name all 3)
Actions in which the United States or one state is a party, except those actions between a state and its citizens
Cases that raise a federal question, such as interpreting the Constitution
Diversity of Citizenship
A judge will allow leading questions to the witness during what step of the trial?
What is cross-examination?
Keeps order in the courtroom, calls the witnesses and is in charge of the jury, as directed by the judge
What is the bailiff?