When you pay taxes on a meal, you are fulfilling which duty of citizenship?
Paying taxes
Helping out at an animal shelter would be an example of what responsibility of citizenship?
Volunteering, contributing to the common good
What is the difference between a direct and representative government?
Direct = people vote directly for laws and decisions
Representative = people vote for representatives to make decisions for them
The system where power is shared between the central and state governments is called...
What does "duty" mean?
Something we are required to do
What does "responsibility" mean?
Something you should do
Give two examples of services run by the government.
What is the highest level of government?
Federal (national) government
If you sign up for the selective service, you are fulfilling what duty of citizenship?
Defending the nation
What does it mean to contribute to the common good?
Do things to benefit all members of the community
What is majority rule?
When the majority of the members of a community have the power to make laws that are binding upon all of the people
Which amendment in the Constitution sets up the powers of the states?
What is one duty of citizenship that all middle school students are required to do?
Attend school
Keeping up to date with what is going on in your community is an example of what responsibility of citizenship?
Being an informed and active citizen
Give three examples of how the government keeps order and provides security.
Military, police, creating and enforcing laws, court system
What are two examples of concurrent powers?
Levying taxes, establishing courts, borrowing money, building roads, collecting taxes, enforcing laws, public safety
What are the five duties of citizenship?
Obeying the law, paying taxes, defending the nation, attending school, serving in court
What are four responsibilities of citizenship?
Being informed, voting, participating in your community/government, volunteering, respecting the rights and property of others, respecting different opinions and ways of life
What are two types of government that are usually authoritarian? Define each.
Oligarchy - power is shared by a group of people
Dictatorship - one person rules and seizes power through force
Absolute monarchy - power is held by a king or queen who has complete authority
What is the Supremacy Clause?
Federal laws and the Constitution are the highest authority over the states. If a state law conflicts with either, it is thrown out