Customer Driven
Anything Else

Developing, promoting, and distributing products to satisfy the wants and needs of a customer is known as

What is Marketing


The process of making products available to customers in the quantities desired, while keeping inventory, transportation, and storage costs low is called?

What is distribution


Which of the 4 p's does this describe? How/where a product will be distributed.

What is place


Which of the 4 P's does this describe? Setting and communicating the value of products and services. Setting the cost at the right level.

What is Price


Which of the 4 P's does this describe? Any form of communication used to inform, persuade, or remind; how potential customers will be told about the product.

What is Promotion


Providing customers with the goods & services they want at a given cost is known as

What is Selling


Activities used to inform and persuade to create a desired response is called

What is Promotion


What is the company for the slogan “The quicker picker-upper.”

Who is Bounty


If a business aims its advertising toward a specific group of consumers that have similar wants and needs, that group would be their

What is Target Market


THE 4 P's - product, place, promotion, price is also known as the

What is The Marketing Mix


What to make, how to package it, what brand name to use and what image to project defines which of the 4 P's?

What is Product


A symbol used to represent a brand or company is known as a

What is logo


A unique name and image for a product used to create an image in the consumers' mind, i.e. Pampers, Band-Aid, Kool-Aid, Coke, Pepsi, Nike... is also called a

What is Brand


An ________ is a type of promotion used to get people to want to buy something.

What is Advertisement


This type of promotion involves person-to-person communication (meeting with customers face-to-face or over the phone.)

What is  Personal Selling


Individuals or organizations who purchase goods or services from a seller.

What are Customers


Which of the following is a form of advertising?
TV Commercial, Billboard, or Weekly Sale Circular

What is All of them are forms of advertising


Which market segmentation method is selected when classifications of age, gender, income, or family size is utilized.

What is Demographics


True or False: the goal of marketing is to develop satisfying exchanges from which both customers and marketers benefit.

What is True


True or False: customers want the lowest price, convenience, and availability of a product.

What is True


1.“Snap, Crackle, Pop”
2.“Have It Your Way”
3.“Just Do It”
These are all examples of

What is slogans/tag line


What P in the marketing Mix do these questions relate to?  
-What is the value of the product to the buyer?
-What discounts should be offered to your customers?

What is price


A customer’s subjective assessment of benefits relative to costs in determining the worth of a product

What is Value


This type of promotion is online or web advertising, such as content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and affiliate marketing.

What is Digital Marketing


The provision or transfer of goods, services, or ideas in return for something of value is called

What is an Exchange