Means study of...
Some famous scientists
More famous scientists
Beneficial Roles

The study of how organisms are related, increasing reorganized to reflect molecular evidence on common ancestory 

What is phylogeny?


This scientist is known for observing a thin slice of cork under the microscope, and theorizing that all living things are composed of cells (little boxes).

Who is Robert Hooke?


Is a hypothesis that describes the origin of life from nonliving things.

Spontaneous generation


The inventor of the binomial nomenclature system, originally intended to categorize all organisms (plants or animals) into species by their ability to breed fertile offspring.

Who is Linnaeus?


A new biotech technique enabling gene modification in bacteria and fungi to produce proteins like insulin, correct or replace missing genes, and create GMOs

What is recombinant DNA technology?


The study of parasitic protozoans and worms.

What is Parasitology?


This mathematician and scientist is known for crafting 300+ microscopes and observing live microorganisms for the first time.

Who is Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek?


A series of steps taken to prevent contamination of laboratory cultures and media.

What is aseptic technique?


The scientist known for identifying the first antibiotic, Penicillin, after observing the fungus, Penicillium, inhibiting bacteria growth.

Who is Alexander Fleming?


The role played by microbes as the base of many food chains, especially in aquatic environments.

What is the role of microbes in the food web?


The study of all of an organism's genes

What is genomics


This scientist is known for establishing experimental steps to directly link a specific microbe to a specific disease (the foundation of modern culture and sensitivity) called Koch's postulates and established that a specific bacterium caused anthrax.

Who is Robert Koch?


The use of microbes to clean up pollutants and toxic waste from industrial processes.

What is bioremediation?


The physician and scientist who utilized nosodes (infectious agents made from diseased humans/animal tissue) made from a milkmaid with cowpox to create a vaccine for smallpox.

Who is Edward Jenner?


The role played by nitrogen-fixing bacteria and decomposition by fungi

What is nutrient recycling?


The study of fungi.

What is mycology?


The scientist who hypothesized Biogenesis, the theory that all living organisms arise from preexisting life, in opposition to the prevailing hypothesis, Spontaneous Generation, the theory that living matter could arise from nonliving matter.

Who is Rudolf Virchow?


A common (~99% of bacteria naturally exist in this arrangement) and complex grouping of microbes that form a protective barrier resistant to removal.

What are biofilms?


Creator of a more detailed 5 Kingdom taxonomic system based on morphology, metabolism, and molecular techniques 

Who is Robert Whittaker?


The essential O2 producing role played by cyanobacteria, and phytoplankton like the microscopic algae, diatoms

What is photosynthesis? 


The study of relationships between microorganisms and the environment, including plants and animals.

What is microbial ecology?


This French scientist, known for his work in fermentation and developing a process to reduce food spoilage by killing harmful bacteria with heat, demonstrated that microbes in the air were capable of contaminating nonliving matter.

Who is Louis Pasteur?


The ability to defend and ward off disease.

What is resistance?


Duet who created 3 domains for classification based on rRNA.

Who are Carl Woese and George Fox?


The role of microbes play in the production of foods and beverages including yogurt, beer, wine, vinegar, and many more delicious food stuff

What is fermentation?