US Imperialism
New Lands
Armed Conflicts

The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.

What is imperialism?


This president was once a Rough Rider who earned a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating an end to the Japanese and Russian war. 

Who was Teddy Roosevelt?


This Caribbean territory became part of the United States in 1917 and its people became US citizens. 

What is Puerto Rico?


This ended the Spanish American War in 1898.

What is the Treaty of Paris?

This ended military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico.

What was the Foraker Act?


This US state was originally acquired from Russia for 7.2 million dollars and was once called "Seward's Folly" but had the last laugh when it contained great quantities of timber, minerals, and oil.

What is Alaska?


She was the last ruler of the nation of Hawaii before it was annexed by the United States.

Who is Queen Liliuokalani?


This area was rented and controlled by the United States and helped to minimize the amount of time ships were able to get from the west coast to the east or vice versa.  

What is the Panama Canal Zone?

The United States military was not involved in this conflict during this time but President Roosevelt did help to negotiate the peace for this war.

What is the Russo Japanese War? 


This document written by the Spanish minister to the United States criticized President McKinley by calling him weak and a crowd pleaser and helped upset the American people against Spain.

What is the de Lôme letter?


American owned sugar planters worked for the US to annex this territory so they wouldn't have to pay taxes on their sugar products sold to the United States.

What is Hawaii?


This man stated, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war" and helped start yellow journalism to sensationalize news to lure and enrage readers.

Who is William Randolph Hearst?


This policy under President William Taft used the U.S. government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries and helped the United States make decisions for these countries.

What is Dollar Diplomacy?

These Mexican nationalists opposed the Carranza Government in Mexico and were angered that it was recognized by the American government. General Pershing let 15,000 troops into Mexico in search of the nationalists.  They were unsuccessful.

Who were Francisco "Pancho" Villa and Emiliano Zapata?


This added to the previous Monroe Doctrine and stated that the United States would now use force to protect its economic interests in Latin America.

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?


This provision added to the new Cuban Constitution gave the United States partial control of Cuba.

What is the Platt Amendment?


This naval Admiral urged the United States to establish bases in the Caribbean, construct a canal in the isthmus of Panama, and acquire Hawaii and other Pacific islands.

Who is Alfred T. Mahan?


The United States feared this country would be carved into colonies shutting out American interests but the US and other countries ended up sharing trading rights with this reluctant country.

What is China?


This conflict targeted missionaries and foreigners because they wanted to rid their country of "foreign devils." Troops from Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States helped put this conflict down.

What is the Boxer Rebellion?


Roosevelt's Latin American policy was based on this West African proverb saying.

What is "Speak softly but carry a big stick?"


The desire for military strength, the thirst for new markets, and belief in cultural superiority were all factors that helped fuel this country's imperialism.

What is the United States?


This U.S. Secretary of State issued policy statements called the Open Door notes proposing that nations share their trading rights in China.

Who is John Hay?


The result of this was that the United States and Spain signed a cease-fire and the United States gained Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines from Spain.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


This conflict happened because this country was angered by the United States annexation following the Treaty of Paris, rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo led his people to revolt and it took the Americans over three years to end the revolution. 

What is Philippine-American War?


This event led to the battle cry for the Spanish American war but was probably caused by a mechanical issue.

What is the explosion of the USS Maine?