Pre-Experimental Designs
True Experimental Designs
Quasi-Experimental Designs
Ex-Post Facto & Factorial Designs
This is a variable that the researcher studies as a possible cause of something else. This is one that the researcher directly manipulates.
What is an independent variable?
The results of this "research" study are meaningless, unless followed up with more controlled studies.
What is a One-Shot Experimental Case Study (Design 1)?
When pretesting isn't appropriate, a researcher will use this design.
What is posttest-only control group design (Design 6)?
Researchers use quasi-experimental designs when this is not possible.
What is randomness?
When experimentation is unethical, a researcher will use these designs.
What are ex post facto designs?
An intervention of some sort that we think may have an effect on the characteristic being studied
What is a treatment?
Pre-Experimental designs are helpful only for forming these.
What are tentative hypotheses?
This procedure guarantees that any difference between the groups are probably quite small and, in any case, are due entirely to chance
What is random assignment?
This design involves two groups to which participants have not been randomly assigned and incorporates a pretreatment observation.
What is the nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design (Design 8)?
Tp examine the effects of two or more independent variables in a single study, a researcher will use this design.
What is a factorial design?
"After the fact"
What is ex post facto?
In a one-group pretest-posttest design, a single group undergoes a pre-experimental observation or evaluation, then is administered this before finally being observed or evaluated again.
What is an experimental treatment?
In a pretest-posttest design we can eliminate other possible explanations (in the form of these variables) as to why the change has taken place.
What are confounding variables?
A sequence of observations made prior to a treatment is also known as this.
What is baseline data?
In this design, the researcher identifies events that have already occurred and investigates their relationship with subsequent characteristics
What is an ex post facto design?
Whenever we compare two or more groups that are or might be different in ways in addition to the particular treatment we are studying, we have these variables in the study.
What are confounding variables?
It is not possible to show these relationships in pre-experimental designs because the independent variable doesn't change.
What are cause-and-effect relationships?
Experimental designs offer a greater degree of control and, as a result offer greater this.
What is internal validity?
In this variation of the time-series design, two groups are observed over a period of time, but one group (a control) does not receive the experimental treatment.
What is the control group, time-series design (Design 10)?
Exp refers to this.
What is a prior experience?
A group that receives either no intervention or a "neutral" intervention that should have little, if any, effect.
What is a control group?
It is not possible to show cause-and-effect relationships if experimental control groups are not comprised of these individuals.
What is equivalent or randomly selected?
After we can determine a change has taken place after a treatment and we have eliminated confounding variables, we have a reasonable basis on which to draw a conclusion about this kind of relationship.
What is a cause-and-effect relationship?
Identifying these in the two groups is one way of strengthening the pretest-posttest control group design.
What are matched pairs?
This design is commonly used in studying possible effects of environmental variables (child abuse, malnutrition).
What is a simple ex post facto design (Design 14)?