The Era of Good Feelings
The Second Great Awakening
The were hit worse than any other demographic in the Panic of 1819
Who are farmers?
The catalyst for the Market Revolution was a series of innovations in communication and
What is transportation?
The majority of the nearly 4 million immigrants that entered the US between 1840 and 1860 were from these two European countries
What are Ireland and Germany?
These two denominations enjoyed the largest membership in the US by the 1840s
Who are the Baptists and the Methodists?
He was President James Madison's Secretary of State and wrote the Monroe Doctrine
Who is John Quincy Adams?
Missouri was "let in" to the USA as a slave state in exchange for this state being admitted as a free state
What is Maine?
This industry was the first to be shaped by the large factory system and was centered in Massachusettes
What is the textile industry?
Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Milwaukee housed large German populations and became colloquially know as
What is the "German Triangle"?
The role of white middle-class women in antebellum America was primarily to focus her energies on the home and children, this lifestyle was referred to as
What is the Cult of Domesticity?
This immigrant group was often blamed for in increase in urban crime, alcohol abuse, undercutting wages, and political corruption
Who are the Irish?
This political party was killed for good following the election of 1816
What is the Federalist Party?
These improvements most drastically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce in the first half of the 19th century (2)
What are canals and steamboats?
This self-named group often blamed immigrants in the 1840s for urban crime, alcohol abuses, undercutting wages, and political corruption.
Who are Nativists?
This movement was both a spiritual and religious movement which sought a return to nature and believed that ultimate truths were beyond human grasp
What is Transcendentalism?
As the Cotton Kingdom grew throughout the deep South, African-Americans were separated from their families and forcefully coffled from this region
What is the Atlantic Southeast (VA, NC, SC)?
The creation of the Bank of the US, the Tariff of 1816 (20% tax on foreign goods), and the construction of roads and canals was a part of this US senator's American System
Who is Henry Clay?
This was America's first commercial railroad
What is the B & O (Baltimore and Ohio)?
This immigrant group seemed to be more skilled than the Irish immigrants of the same wave of immigration
Who are the Germans?
This Transcendentalist wrote the book, Walden, expressing his disdain for the Market Revolution
Who is Henry David Thoreau?
They appeared as new American leaders after the War of 1812
Who are Warhawks?
This declaration promoted democracy in the Western Hemisphere and supported keeping European countries out of the Americas
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
This industry was stimulated by the growing railroad industry
What is coal mining?
The Democratic Party's Tammany Hall in New York City provided social services and jobs to new immigrants in exchange for
What are votes?
In the 1850s this utopian society established itself in upstate New York: they practiced open sexual mores, communal children ring, and a unique division of labor
What is the Oneida Community?
He actively pursued Indian removal and decommissioned the Bank of the United States
Who was Andrew Jackson?