nucleic acids
nucleic acids- DNA
contains about 20,000genes
building blocks of DNA
what is the middle man of DNA
RNA is the process of creating protein from the gene DNA
distinguish catabolism from anabolism
catabolism is the chemical reactions with larger molecules are broken down into few common metabolites
anabolism is the chemical reaction where metabolites are combined into larger molecules
4 different bases (2 general shapes)
guanine, adenine, cytosine, thymine
mRNA function
interpreted into an amino acid sequence
strand fits into a groove
transcribes from DNA sequence specifying the proteins made
high and low energy forms
Acetyl Coenzyme A / coenzyme A
forms of nucleosides
4 different bases (2 general shapes)
guanine, adenine, cytosine, thymine
tRNA function
must be attached to its acceptor stem
attaches correctly and is ready to be used in protein synthase
compare the digestion of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
triacyl glycerrides are hydrolyzed to 2 fatty acids
bile is incorporated to help digestion
breaking up larger nonpolar globules into smaller droplets
protein digest happens when proteins are denatured
amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream
forms of nucleic acids
set of 4 nucleotides formed in a sequence
4 different nutritious bases
2 nitrogen-containing aromatic rings (purine or pyrimidine)
codon structure and function
codons are used to translate specific amino acids 4 codon combinations are possible
always the start is AUG (there are multiple ways to stop)
starting and ending of glycolysis
glucose to 2 pyruvate 3 C 2 NADH
first five reactions require an energy investment of 2 molecules of ATP
splits into 2 sugar phosphates
symetric carbons
describe the unique structural forms of DNA
base sequenced in nucleic acids stored as DNA
double helix
3´ to 5´
types of mutations
- no change in protein sequence is possible
there are silent mutations (UUU to UUC)
codons changing
changing in the DNA sequence
there can be structural change and also genetic mutations
starting and ending of important regulatory features
main step is step 3
ATP acts as an inhibitor
citrate is an inhibitor of pfk
significant amounts of fructose go into fat storage