What is absorption?
the process by which blood or lymph capillaries pick up the digested nutrients
What is a Blan Diet?
consists of easily digested foods that do not irritate the digestive tract
What are Calorie-Controlled Diets?
include both low-calorie and high-calorie diets
What is Osteoporosis?
condition in which bones become porous (full of tiny openings) and break easily; one cause is long-term deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D
What is Hypertension?
high blood pressure; may be caused by an excess amount of fat or salt in the diet; can lead to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys
What is Anorexia nervosa?
commonly known as anorexia; a psychological disorder in which a person drastically reduces food intake or refuses to eat at all
What is a Body Mass Index?
aka BMI; a calculation that measures weight in relation to height and correlates this with body fat
What are Carbohydrates?
major source of readily usable human energy
What are Proteins?
basic components of all body cells; essential for building and repairing tissue, regulating body functions, producing antibodies that help prevent infection and disease, and providing heat and energy
What is a Low-Cholesterol Diet?
restricts foods that contain cholesterol and usually limits fats to less than 50 grams (g) daily
What are Antioxidants?
organic molecules that help protect the body from harmful chemicals
What is a Bulimarexia?
psychological disorder in which a person alternately binges and then induces vomiting or uses laxatives to get rid of food that has been eaten
What is Cellulose?
fibrous, indigestible form of plant carbohydrate
What are Therapeutic Diets?
modifications of the normal diet and are used to improve specific health conditions
What is Metabolism?
process in which nutrients are used by the cells for building tissue, providing energy, and regulating various body functions
What is Atherosclerosis?
condition in which arteries are narrowed by the accumulation of fatty substances
What is Bulimia?
psychological disorder in which a person alternately binges (eats excessively) and then fats, or refuses to eat at all; in some cases, a person will exercise excessively after binging
What is Cholesterol?
sterol lipid found in body cells and animal products; a component of cell membranes
What is Peristalisis?
a rhythmic, wavelike motion of the muscles
What is a Regular Diet?
a balanced diet usually used for the patient with no dietary restrictions
What is a Basal Metabolic Rate?
aka BMR; the rate at which the body uses energy just for maintaining its own tissue without doing any voluntary work
What is a Calorie?
a unit that measures heat produced during metabolism; is the way the energy content of food is measured
What is Digestion?
process by which the body breaks down food into smaller parts, changes food chemically
What is Wellness?
a state of good health with optimal body function
What is Obesity?
excessive body weight