Which country attacked Pearl Harbor
Who is Japan
in 1943 half of all workers in Wichita worked in what manufacture
What is Aircraft manufactures
When did prohibition end
When is 1933
what happened in 1951 in Kansas
what is a flood
at the end of WWII the U.S. and what other nation became the 2 superpowers of the world?
What is The Soviet Union
How many Americans Died in Pearl Harbor
What is 2,400
Planeview consisted of how many new houses during the war
What is 4328 new houses
What amendment was repealed
What is the 21st amendment
near which river was the most damage done
what is the Kansas river
what communist nation did the U.S. distrust
Who is the Soviet union
What day of the year was the bombing of Pearl Harbor
When is December 7th
how many new residents came to Sedgwick County during the war years
Nearly 67,000
how many days did it take for the temperance tornado to travel 1500 miles
What is 12 days
how many people did the floods kill?
What is 19 people
what did we call the tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
What was the cold war
in what year was the bombing of Pearl Harbor
When is 1941
How much Money did the Aircraft industry in Kansas Recieve?
What is 2 billion dollars
what age of people did the temperance tornados recruit
who are teenagers
what were buildings covered with when the floods receded?
What is slime
What was the U.S.'s goal in the cold war
What is stopping communist influence