Starts of WWI
Central Powers
US and WWI
The War
Problems with Peace
His assassination sparked World War I.

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


The United States and Great Britain used this to minimize the threat of German U-boats when shipping supplies to Europe. 

What is the convoy system?

These two events helped bring the United States into WWI on the side of the Allies.

What is the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note?


This country experienced the bulk of the fighting in World War I.

What is France?


This man was president of the United States during World War I and tried to help broker a more forgiving peace plan called the Fourteen Points.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


This treaty ended World War I but is one of the causes of World War II.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


The sinking of this British liner helped bring the United States into the war on the Allies side.

What is the Lusitania?


These countries made up this alliance called the Central Powers.

What is Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire?


This act allowed Congress to draft young men from 18-21 to fight for the United States in WWI.

What is the Selective Services Act?


These weapons of mechanized war were introduced in World War I.

What is the airplane and the tank?


This man commanded the American Expeditionary Force (AEF).

Who is John J. Pershing?


This country was singled out and specifically made to accept the guilt of the war and pay reparations to the opposing nations.

What is Germany?


This telegram contained the suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply angered the American people.

What is the Zimmerman Note?


This clause in the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany alone to accept the blame for the war.

What is the war-guilt clause?


This country suffered the least amount of casualties in World War I.

What is the United States?

This very dangerous area was in between the trenches and filled with barbed wire. 

What is no man's land?


This man headed the War Industries Board and helped increase production of military goods by 20%.

Who is Bernard M. Baruch?


These leaders, known as "_______________" controlled the peace terms at the Treaty of Versailles.  (looking for their nickname)

What is the "Big Four?"


This long term cause of the war involved the development of the armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy.

What is militarism?


This vessel was used by the Germans to break the British blockade of supply ships to Germany.

What is a U-boat?


The Allies rejected this plan by Woodrow Wilson because they were to angry at the Germans and wanted retribution.

What is the Fourteen Points peace plan?


This day, on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, in the eleventh month, of 1918, World War I ended.

What is Armistice Day?


This man was the Prime Minister of France at the end of World War I.

Who is George Clemenceau?


This group of countries was excluded from the peace conference.

Who were the Central Powers?


This long term cause of the war encouraged competitiveness between nations and encouraged various ethnic groups to attempt to create nations of their own.

What is nationalism?


This tactic by the British caused widespread starvation in Germany because the supply ships were unable to reach German shores.

What is the British Blockade?


The US Senate did not approve of this treaty because they felt the League of Nations membership would drag the United States into more European conflicts.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


These Allied countries represented the "Big Four" who negotiated the Treaty of Versailles.

Who are the United States, Britain, Italy, and France?


This man was an "ace" who fought in 34 air battles successfully shooting down 26 enemy planes.

Who is Eddie Rickenbacker?


Because of the fact that over 100 countries were involved and new deadlier mechanized weapons were used made this war different from earlier wars in which the United States was involved.

What is World War I?