Management Styles
Theory X and Y

What is a criticism of Fayol's management functions?

"They do not describe the actual work of managers. They describe vague objectives of managerial work."

- Henry Mintzberg


What is a Monitor?

A monitor is someone who collects data relevant to the business' operations. 


Who does a director report to?



Who introduced Theory X and Y?

Douglas McGregor


Which management role does the following example fall into and why? 

Meeting with departmental managers to explain the store's pricing and promotional strategies for the end-of-season sale. 

Coordinating Activities 


What is the difference between leader and liaison?

Leader : Motivating subordinates; selecting and training other managers/workers

Liaison : Linking with managers and leaders of other divisions of the business and other organizations


What is the difference between democratic and paternalistic management styles?

Democratic : Encourages active participation of workers in taking decisions

Paternalistic : Employees advice and suggestions are voiced and taken into consideration but final decisions lies with manager


Difference between Theory X and Theory Y 

X - Employees are lazy, fear-motivated and in need of constant direction 

Y - Employees are internally motivated, enjoy work and are prepared to take on additional responsibilities 


Why is controlling and measuring performance against targets important? 

- Establishing of clear targets increases productivity as workers know exactly what they're meant to do 

- Take action if underperformance occurs

- Provide positive feedback when things go right


What are the three types of Mintzberg's management roles and what do they mean? 

- Interpersonal : dealing with motivating employees

- Informational : acting as a source, receiver and transmitter of information

- Decisional : taking decisions and allocating resources to meet the organization's objectives. 


What are the characteristics of a supervisor? 

- Watch over work of others

- Leading and controlling a team to meet predetermined goals

- Not a decision making role

- Appointed by managers


How do the two theories affect workers?

If managers treat all workers with a Theory X mindset, workers will be more likely to adhere to those attitudes as they will be demotivated. The opposite applies to Theory Y

What are the differences between Fayol's and Mintzberg's management functions? 

- Mintzberg's involves more open-ended discussion

- Mintzberg stressed interpersonal nature of tasks

Define and give an example for the following 

- Figurehead 

- Spokes person 

Figurehead : Symbolic leader of the organization, undertaking duties of a social or legal nature 

Eg : Opening new factories/offices, hosting receptions, giving important presentations 

Spokes person : Communicating information about the organization - its current position and achievements - to external groups and people

Eg : Presenting reports to groups of stakeholders, communicating with the press and TV media. 


What are four major features of autocratic management style?

- Leader takes all decisions

- Little information given to workers

- Supervise workers closely

- One way communication 

- Workers are given only limited information about business


What management style is most commonly used today and why?

Democratic Management 

- Working people are better educated and have higher expectations

- Higher level needs that need to be met

- Rapid rate of change requires consultation with workers

- Change is less daunting if workers are involved 


What are the five functions of management according to Fayol?

- Planning

Organizing resources to meet objectives

- Commanding, directing and motivating employees

- Coordinating Activities

- Controlling and measuring performance against targets


List the ten roles in Mintzberg's management functions

- Figurehead 

- Leader

- Liaison

- Monitory (Receiver)

- Disseminator 

- Spokesperson

- Entrepreneur

- Disturbance handler

- Resource allocator

- Negotiator 


What are indicators that managers are having a positive impact on the business? 

- Objectives are regularly met

- High levels of consumer satisfaction

- High employee motivation levels 

- Low labour turnover

- Respected brand image

- High regard from external stakeholders

- Excellent communication within business and with external stakeholders


What factors does the management style used depend on?

- Training and experience of workforce

- Available time for consultation and participation 

- Attitude of managers

- Importance of issue under consideration