Brain Development and early adulthood
Cognitive Development and Intelligence-Two cognitive assessments
Crystallized & Fluid
Level of reasoning and the role of stereotypes in thinking
Post secondary education in Canada and the world and Advantages of post secondary thought

Does brain development continue to mature throughout early adulthood? 

Yes it does. 


Who's theory was Cognitive Development? 

Piaget's theory 


What are the two types of intellectual ability? 

Fluid Intelligence and Crystallized Intelligence. 


Why would there be higher levels of thinking in middle adults then young adults? 

More experience and more practice. 


What is Canada top ranked for ? 

toped ranked for post secondary completion 

At what age does the brain fully mature ? And what is happening to synapses, mylenization and synaptic pruning? 

Age 25. 

It continues. 


What stage did Piaget perceive that formal operational thinking was? 

The final stage 


Describe Fluid Intelligence and Crystallized Intelligence. 

Fluid Intelligence- Ability to be a flexible thinker, an adaptive thinker, have the ability to make inferences, understand relations among concepts. (be given a problem you can infer from the first problem and use the same strategy to see if it works for the second problem) i.e puzzles, mazes etc. 

Crystallized Intelligence: Knowledge acquired by life experience and education in a specific culture. It increases knowledge. It includes breath of knowledge, comprehension of communication, judgment and sophisticated action with information, ability to evaluate experience. ability to remember historical facts, definitions, sports trivia. 

List some examples of stereotypes. 

- how our social knowledge structures & social beliefs can shape our thinking and perception of someone or something. 

- Organized prior knowledge about groups of people that affects how information about them is interpreted. 

- Can be unaware of such implicit beliefs but it affects our behaviours.

- Can be threatening - a stereotypic threat is fear of being judged by a negative stereotype about a group to which one belongs. 


what gender has more bachelor degrees? and who has more masters? who has more phd? 

More females have bachelor degree (62%) masters degree (54%) more men have PHD (45%). 


What are the five development abilities? 

1. Response inhibition

2. Advance in reasoning 

3. Logic

4. Planning

5. Emotional Control


What were some points Piaget believed on the topic of thinking at young adult stage? 

- was more quantitatively advanced 

- Further development and increase knowledge in special area's 

- Thinking becomes more systemic and sophisticated 


Which one between Fluid and Crystallize increases and decreases. across the adulthood years?  

Fluid Decreases 

Crystallized increases. 


what advantages does post secondary education have? 

- clear employment 

- greater for woman 

- get more promotion-less likely unemployed 

- academic & vocational aspirations change- become more realistic when evaluate success. 


What are the three reasons of advancements in the areas of development abilities. 

1. Experience 

2. Physical 

3. environment 


What are the two common ways of assessing? 

Formal Testing and Practical Problem Solving Skills. 


What can fluid intelligence decrease from? 

- lack of practice 

- accumulated effects of disease or injury 

- factors of the aging process


What is formal testing and what is practical problem solving skills? 

Formal Testing- Assess primary or secondary abilities and involves tests from which we can compute overall IQ scores. 

Practical Problem Solving Skills- Test assess ability to use intelligence in everyday situations. 


What can crystallized increase from? 

- Increase in knowledge 

- increase in experience