Definition: Kings at the time claimed their absolutist power was established by God
Divine Right
What Russian czar wanted to westernize and modernize his country?
Peter I
He earned the title "the Great" after winning the Great Northern War against Sweden where he gained territory along the Baltic Sea.
The Stuart Dynasty of England constantly tried to become an absolute monarchy, but was stopped by
What is the Seven Years War (1756-1763) called here in the U.S.?
French and Indian War
Russia's ultimate goal when conquering new lands to gain more of what?
warm water ports
Cardinal Richelieu sought to gain more power tot he king by doing two things:
1: Destroying the Huguenots by burdening them with heavy taxes, their children taken from them, and spies in their churches.
2: Weakening the nobility by ...
Removing them from positions of authority in local government
What ruler had St. Basil Cathedral built, expanded Russian territory, known as a tyrant, oppressively taxed his people, and killed his son in a fit of rage?
Ivan IV "the Terrible"
He wanted to Russia to become the 3rd Rome, so he took the title czar, meaning Caesar.
Why did Parliament have so much control over the king?
Power of the purse
It controled how much money the king could have
What war began when the king of Spain died and Louis XIV saw it as an opportunity to put a family member on the Spanish throne, making the two countries powerful?
War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1713)
Which king built the palace of Versailles?
Louis XIV
During what war did France side with Swedish and German Protestants in order to prevent them from being surrounded by two Hapsburg powers, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire?
Thirty Years' War
Which Prussian ruler is known as the "Great Elector" because he unified Prussia into a singular state and chief source of power was his standing army?
Frederick William
Which English ruler wasn't a king, but ruled by trial and error, which is called a Protectorate?
He also disbanded Parliament when they would not work with him.
Oliver Cromwell
How did European powers ensure no one country became too powerful and keep it balanced?
They would form alliances and go to war.
Which of Prussia rulers was one of the greatest soldiers of his day, enacted sweeping social reform, and made the economy stronger?
Frederick II
The revocation of what caused the Huguenots to leave France?
Edict of Nantes
(This edict
Joseph II of Austria greatly increased central power while weakening local power by weakening the nobles and ... ?
Roman Catholic Church
Law: It is illegal for the government to arbitrarily hold somebody in jail.
When a person is arrested, they need to be charged with a crime.
Habeas Corpus Act (1679)
The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 ended the War of Austrian Succession, by putting all of the territory as status quo antebellum. What does that Latin phrase mean?
How things were before the war
Except for Silesia, which Prussia was able to keep from Austria.
With he Partition of Poland, what three countries wanted to break it up and claim its territories as its own?
Prussia, Russia, and Austria
Why did most Europeans accept absolutist rule despite knowing how dangerous unrestrained royal power is?
The strong rulers were the best was to ensure security, order, and prosperity
What Russian czar was an enlightened reformer who continued to westernize Russia and to conquer more lands?
Catherine II "the Great"
The cabinet style of government was developed under who's reign?
Charles II
Cabinet is a group of advisors to an executive office.
What was the biggest consequence of Britain winning the Seven Years War?
It set the foundation to the American Revolution
Robert Walpole is considered to be England's first ...?
Prime Minister