Area of fertile land watered by a natural spring or other water sources
What is an Oasis?
"The Age of the People"
What is the Middle Kingdom?
Crops raised specifically for sale.
What is cash crops?
The clearing of forests
What is deforestation?
The primary religion of North Africa
What is Islam?
The three major landforms found in Southern & Eastern Africa
What is mountains, plateaus, cliffs?
Believed to be the Pharoah of the Exodus
What is Thutmose III?
Shortest sea route between Europe & Asia
What is the Suez Canal?
Process by which fertile land becomes desert
What is desertification?
Persecuted group of Christians living in Egypt
What is Copts?
The percentage of people who live along the banks of the Nile
What is 95%?
Period in South Africa's history in which the white minority implemented oppressive segregation laws
What is the Apartheid?
Economic philosophy that encourages the private sector to drive economic growth
What is Africapitalism?
One cause of water pollution in Africa
What is excess sewage, excess fertilizer, chemicals from oil extraction?
Belief that all things have a spirit.
What is Animism?
The line of latitude that marks the southernmost point where the Sun appears directly overhead at noon
What is Tropic of Capricorn?
Name for Dutch settlers in Africa
What is Boers?
Several villages descended from a common ancestor
What is a clan?
Percentage(s) that Sub-Saharan countries have reserved for national park of conservation efforts.
What is 20-30%
Two threats to the growth of Christianity.
What is the threat of Islam & lack of trained pastors?
The 5 regions of North Africa
What is Atlas Mountains, Sinai Peninsula, Sahara, Sahel, and the Nile River Valley?
2 reasons why European powers were seeking to colonize territory in Africa
What is political/economic dominance, resources, trade routes, civilizing mission?
The term for "The West"
What is the Maghreb?
Vast amount of land where land mammals migrate each year
What is the Serengeti?
Spirits that are believed to stand between men and angels.
What is Jinn?