What does Manifest Destiny mean?
obvious fate.
Americas destiny to more westward.
To overspread and possess the whole continent.
What was the land in Texas like? How did people describe it? (two words)
dry and arid
True or False: When the U.S. gained possession of California and New Mexico the battle between the U.S. and Mexico was fierce and brutal.
What is the name of the 2000-mile-long path that settlers traveled when moving to Oregon?
Oregon Trail
Who had possession of Florida before the United States?
What was the name of the "port city" that the United States wanted, that now is in the state of Louisiana?
New Orleans
What two countries owned Texas before the United States?
Spain then Mexico
Name two of the States that we gained from the Mexican Cession.
New Mexico
Colorado (not all)
Wyoming (not all)
What was the name of the group of people who were trying to convert people to different religions?
Why were people living in Georgia so upset with Florida?
Seminole raids/slaves ran away
Which two countries owned the Louisiana Territory before the U.S.?
France and Spain.
True or False: Texas did not become a state after the Texas revolution but rather was its own country with its own government, constitution, and laws for 10 years.
Why did so many Chinese immigrants come to California?
For gold
How many countries claimed Oregon originally?
What is the name of the man who marched into Florida without orders?
Andrew Jackson
What is one of the three things Lewis and Clark set out to find on their exploration? (answers may vary)
Make friends with Indian groups
Find the Northwest Passage
What was the name of the famous mission where the infamous battle happened between the Texans and Mexicans?
The Alamo
What was the Gadsden Purchase?
More land purchased from Mexico - the tiny strip of land in Arizona and New Mexico
Along the Oregon Trail, travelers and explorers often came upon people called Mountain Men. What is another name for "Mountain men"
What state did many people in the U.S. want over Florida as the time?
The United States expanded in three ways, what were they? (list all 3)
Why did some people in the United States oppose annexing Texas to the U.S.?
Bonus 100 points: what does it mean to annex something?
North versus South - Texas would become a slave state (North not happy)
or potentially lead to a war with Mexico
Bonus: to add
What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo do?
Ended the Mexican American war
What did President James K. Polk campaign on during the 1844 presidential election, that led him to win?
"All of Oregon or none"
"fifty-four forty or fight"
What is the famous quote said by President Monroe to Spanish officials, that led to Spain selling Florida to the U.S.?
"Govern Florida properly of get out"
"Govern or get out"