His writings inspire the French Revolution.
Who is Voltaire?
The written work of John Locke that proposes man's natural rights.
What is The Two Treatises of Government?
If all people have natural rights, and enslaved individuals are people, then John Locke would argue that slavery violates natural rights
What is deductive reasoning?
18th century French writers and social critics
What is Philosophes?
Belief in a non-interventionist creator.
What is deism?
A pantheist who depends on reason to interpret truth in Scripture.
Who is Spinoza?
In his written works he discusses the idea that man should revert "back to the state of nature."
Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
If freedom of speech is necessary for a free society, then Voltaire would argue that censorship threatens liberty.
What is deductive reasoning?
Knowledge that comes from a sensory experience
What is empiricism?
Encouraged Wesley to take his preaching to outdoor venues.
Who is George Whitefield?
Proposes that the social contract is based on the general consensus of the people.
Who is Rousseau?
The name of the author & work that significantly influences the the structure of US Government.
Who is Baron de Montesquieu? What is The Spirit of Laws?
In multiple revolutions, people have fought for their natural rights, supporting Locke’s idea that governments exist to protect those rights.
What is inductive reasoning?
Belief that reason is the source of truth & knowledge.
What is rationalism?
The man responsible for institutionalizing pietism.
Who is August Francke?
Who is Voltaire?
Philip Speners written work that lays out the tenants of the pietist movement.
What is Pia Desideria.
If censorship stops people from learning new ideas, and a government bans books, then Voltaire would say that government is harming education.
What is deductive reasoning?
Separation of Church & State.
What is secularism?
The name for Zinzendorf's commune for the Moravians.
What is the "Lord's Lodge"/Herrnhut?
Taught that the senses could not be trusted.
Who is Descartes?
Wrote Novum Organum.
Who is Francis Bacon?
Many absolute monarchs justified their rule through divine right, yet their people eventually rebelled, reinforcing Locke’s belief that legitimate power comes from the consent of the governed.
What is inductive reasoning?
Era that precedes the enlightenment that encourages dependence on the use observation.
Two basic enlightenment beliefs about religion.
What is the denial of supernatural elements, depravity of man, and the dependence on reason to guide faith.