Presidential Reconstruction
Congressional Reconstruction
Congressional Reconstruction II
Years of Corruption
Years of Corruption II

What group within the Republican Party opposed President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction and wanted to instead punish the South for the war?

Radical Republicans


Who does the textbook describe as short tempered, impatient, and stubborn?

President Andrew Johnson. These qualities made people work against him and he had few supporters.


What group formed in Pulaski, TN, in 1866, as a fraternity, but quickly became an organization to keep blacks under white control?

Ku Klux Klan


Reconstruction ended in 1877. What caused it to end?

President Hayes ordering the Army occupying the last of the Southern states (S.C., LA, & FL) to withdraw.


A impact of Reconstruction is the "Solid South" concept. What does that mean?

The Southerners were bitter towards the Radical Reconstruction and voted strictly Democrat for the next 95 years.

(Other impacts: Reconstruction Amendments 13-15, the federal gov became stronger and more centralized)


President Johnson's plan for Reconstruction was to provide amnesty for former Confederates if they swore loyalty to the Union, except those who owned $20,000 or more in assets. What did they have to do to get amnesty?

They had to apply to the President personally


What federal agency helped freed slaves to find work (and negotiate work contracts), set up special courts to deal with the black codes, and establish schools and hospitals?

Freeman's Bureau


Very few plantation owners had to the capacity to pay labors to work in the fields after slavery was abolished, so a new system was put in place to have poor black and whites to rent farmland and equipment for a portion or half of their harvest. What is this system called?


(This system typically kept poor people in perpetual debt, especially after a bad season)


Despite Ulysses S. Grant being known as an honest and honorable man, his presidential administration was marred with __________.


(so much so that Grantism became a synonym for political corruption)


Ulysses S. Grant would not have been elected into office if he did not get what?

the votes from the 500,000 newly freed Southern black men


As part of amnesty deal from President Johnson, every Confederate state was required to write up a new state constitution to revoke their declaration of secession, and ratify what?

13th Amendment (abolishing slavery)


Which Amendment did the following?

1) Granted freedmen full citizenship and due process of law

2) Nullified the 3/5 Compromise. Now the entire population will be counted in the Census

3) Former Confederates could not hold public office and only a 2/3 congressional vote could remove this restriction.

4) Neither the federal or state governments will pay Confederate debts or provide compensation for slaveholders for their economic losses.

14th Amendment


What new law passed in 1867 did President Johnson violate that led to his impeachment?

Tenure of Office Act

(It made it illegal to fire cabinet members without Congressional approval. This law was meant to protect the Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, a Radical Republican)

One of the biggest scandals of the Grant Administration was the Credit Mobilier Scandal. What was this scandal?

Credit Mobilier was a construction company controlled by the leadership of Union Pacific and was hired by them to build the transcontinental railroad while receiving government money to do so.

Credit Mobilier overcharged Union Pacific for expenses and paid the excess dollars to it shareholders (which happened to be mostly Union Pacific leadership).

To discourage an investigation into their illegal activity, they sold stock to Congressmen and other gov officials (including Grant's VP) far below market value.


Despite being a very powerful man, William "Boss" Tweed was taken down by who and what?

Thomas Nast and his political cartoons


Black not being allowed to own/carry firearms, own property or live in certain cities, prohibited from voting, holding political office, suing whites, etc., are examples of what?

Black codes

(The South believed that former slaves were uneducated and easily manipulated, and thus shouldn't have the same rights)


Knowing that even if he vetoed the 14th Amendment, Congress could still pass it into law. What was President Johnson's plan to stop the bill from passing?

He supported people who were campaigning against the Radical Republicans in the 1866 midterm elections. His plan failed. 

(President Johnson was against it because it treated former Confederate leaders too harshly, and that representatives from Southern states were barred from its writing)


What law did the following?

1) Divided the South into 5 military districts, which were governed by Union generals

2) Gave blacks the right to vote and hold office.

3) Political conventions had to have black & white delegates

4) Southerns states needed to submit their new state constitutions to Congress to approve

5) States were required to ratify the 14th Amendment

Reconstruction Act of 1867.


in 1870, the 15th Amendment was ratified, what did it do?

All citizens cannot be denied or diminished on their right to vote by the Federal or state governments based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.


What 6 year long economic depression occurred during the Grant Administration that caused a 14% unemployment rate?

Panic of 1873


What did the Radical Republican Congressmen do when they saw former Confederate soldiers being elected to serve in the House and Senate?

They refused to let them take office.

(the Radical and moderate Republican joined forces to take control of Reconstruction from Johnson)


From 1870-71, Congress passed a series of laws to fight back against Southern terror groups (such as the Ku Klux Klan Act), list 2 of the things these laws did?

1) Outlawed the use of violence or intimidation to prevent people from voting.

2) Gave the president authority to deploy troops to ensure laws were being followed.

3) imposed heavy criminal & civil penalties on terror groups


In the Senate trial of President Johnson, some Republican senators believed that the Radicals removing Johnson for political reasons would set a terrible precedent, and that the Senate pro tempore Benjamin Wade would become President. Why were they concerned about Wade?

He was the most extreme of the Radical Republicans.

(President Johnson was one vote away from the 2/3 majority to be found guilty, 7 Republicans sided with Democrats to acquit him)


The first black man to be elected in the House of Representatives was Joseph Rainey (South Carolina). Who was the first black man elected Senator?

Hiram Revels (Mississippi)


What was the Compromise of 1877?

Southern Democrats would vote for Hayes to be president if he vowed to removed the soldiers occupying the last three Southern states (S.C., LA, & FL)