States of Matter Review
Everyday Objects
This is an object that has a North and a South Pole. (The Earth is also acts like one of these because it has a North and South Pole.)
What is a magnet?
What is the ability to do work called?
When an object is heated, the particles in the object __________ ___________.
When an object is heated, the particles in the object move faster.
If two magnets have their North poles pointing toward each other, the magnets will __________, or push away.
When you throw a ball into the air, at what two points does the ball show potential energy?
1. When the ball is in your hand. 2. When the ball is at the very top of the throw it stops for a split second before it comes back down.
This is a closed path along which energy can flow.
What is an electric circuit?
A ball rolling across a table is an example of this kind of energy.
What is kinetic energy?
Name the four states of matter we discussed in Ch. 13- Matter.
1. Liquid 2. Solid 3. Gas 4. Plasma
A ________ circuit has only one path along which energy can flow.
A series circuit has only one path along which energy can flow.
List three words that can show sequence, or order.
Ex: First, next, then, after, finally, furthermore
This type of energy is the total amount of kinetic and potential energy in the particles of a substance.
What is thermal energy?
Energy that is related to something staying still or not moving is called...
What is potential energy?
What is the only difference between gas and plasma?
Plasma particles have electric charges and gas particles do not. Example of plasma is lightning or the Northern Lights.
If one magnet has the North pole pointing toward the South pole of the other magnet, the magnets will come together, or __________.
What is attract.
Give a specific example of kinetic energy.
Ex: A bird flying, a ball moving, a car driving, a person running, a pendulum swinging
When heat is transferred between two objects that touch, this is called...
Both a firefly and a glow stick convert chemical energy into what kind of energy?
What is light energy?
Tell whether each of these is a physical change or a chemical change: 1. Apple turning brown after being bitten 2. Nail rusting 3. Ripping paper in half 4. A person dying their hair blonde
1. Chemical 2. Chemical 3. Physical 4. Chemical
Most homes today use __________ circuits because energy can flow along more than one path.
Most homes today use parallel circuits because energy can flow along more than one path.
Give two examples of potential energy.
Ex: A bird sitting in their nest, a book on the table, a computer sitting on a desk, a ball in someone's hand
Where do plants get the chemical energy that they need to grow?
Plants get the chemical energy needed to grow from the sun.
Give an example of a place you might find condensation.
Example: You might find condensation on the outside of an ice cold soda on a warm summer day. (The little water droplets that form are condensation because gas (air) has changed into a liquid (water))
Explain the difference between series circuits and parallel circuits.
Ex: Series circuits have only one path (meaning that one light switch would control your entire house or school). Ex. Parallel circuits have more than one path along which energy can flow (meaning multiple light switches control your house or school)
Name two facts that you've learned from Ch. 17.
Answers will vary.