
What is a facial?

A facial, also known as a facial treatment, is a professional skin treatment that improves the skin’s condition and appearance.


What are the benefits of using a steamer?

Steam helps soften the tissues, making them more accepting of moisturizers and other treatment products. It also helps dilate pores and soften clogged follicles, making them easier to extract.


What are two benefits of using a facial rotary brush?

 A rotary brush is used to cleanse and lightly exfoliate the skin.


What are the four different skin types?

Normal, dry, oily, and combination.


What is the best way to guard against reactions in the salon?

Pretest a small quantity of the product with a patch test.


As a cosmetologist, are you allowed to treat skin diseases? Why are they important for you to recognize?

Cosmetologists cannot treat skin diseases, but they must be able to recognize skin abnormalities and refer clients to seek medical care.


What are two ways you can manage both an esthetics and a cosmetology career?

Two ways to manage both careers is to work specific days as a skin care therapist or cleanly divide certain days where you perform skin care for a half day and perform hair services for a half day.


What are the goals for treating sensitized skin? 

The primary treatment goals are to soothe, calm, and protect.


What are two benefits of using an ozone steamer?

Topical ozone applications are proven to oxygenate the skin’s cutaneous layer. Ozone has germicidal and bactericidal capabilities.


What is dry skin lacking?

Dry skin lacks sufficient lipid activity.


The rotary brush, ultrasonic skin spatula, and waxing services should never be used on clients who ___.

The rotary brush, ultrasonic skin spatula, and waxing services should never be used on clients who are taking keratolytic drugs such as Retin-A®, Differin®, Tazorac®, or other drugs that thin or exfoliate the skin.


What are two benefits of an ultrasonic spatula?

Ultrasonic spatulas lift impurities from the pores as they exfoliate the skin’s surface and brighten the complexion. These spatulas also stimulate circulation, remove excess sebum, and assist in product penetration.


Why is it important to not overexfoliate the skin?

Over-exfoliating the skin can result in ultrasensitive and inflamed skin. Never use an exfoliant more often than the manufacturer recommends.


What is the difference between day moisturizers and treatment or night creams?

•Day moisturizers usually have a thinner viscosity and are formulated with antioxidants to keep the skin balanced and protected from environmental assaults, such as pollution.

•Treatment creams are usually more intensive products designed for night use to treat specific skin problems. These products are generally heavier in texture than daytime products, and they theoretically contain higher levels of conditioning ingredients.


In what direction do you massage on the muscles?

The direction of movement is always from the muscle’s insertion toward its origin.


Name three reasons you should offer hair removal services as well as facials.

Hair removal services can provide an added dimension to your skincare offerings, increase your earnings, and provide the opportunity to introduce more salon clients to your esthetics services.


Why is massage used during a facial?

Massage is used to help keep the facial skin healthy and the facial muscles toned.


At what time during the facial should you discuss possible contraindications to facial massage?

Before performing a service that includes a facial massage, consult the client’s intake form. During the consultation, acknowledge and discuss any medical conditions that may contraindicate a facial massage.


What are LEDs used for?

LED machines are used cosmetically to minimize redness, warm lower-level tissues, stimulate blood flow, and improve skin smoothness. They are applied to improve acne-prone skin.


Why is home care an important part of a skin care program?

Home care helps clients achieve the best results from a treatment, by providing a proven skin care routine at home that reinforces professional treatments.


Why should cosmetologists study facials?

•Providing skin care services to clients is extremely rewarding, helps busy clients relax, improves their appearance, and helps clients feel better about themselves.

•Knowing skin analysis and skin care product basics enables you to offer your clients advice when they ask you for it.

•Although you will not treat any skin diseases, you must be able to recognize adverse skin conditions and refer clients to seek medical advice from a physician.

•Learning basic facial and facial massage techniques gives you a good overview of, and an ability to perform these foundational services.

•You may enjoy this service category and consider specializing in skin care services. This study will create a basis for making that decision.


What are the five categories of massage manipulations?

Effleurage , Petrissage , Friction , Tapotement , Vibration


Who should you not use the galvanic current on?

•Metal implants, braces, a pacemaker, or any heart condition



•High blood pressure, fever, or any infection

•Nerve disorders

•Open or broken skin (e.g., wounds, new scars) or inflamed pustular acne

•Fear of electrical current


What side of the body should the passive electrode be on your client?

Place the passive electrode on the right side of the client’s body only (never on the left side) to avoid current flow through the heart.


Who is not a good candidate for electrical current treatment?

·Heart conditions, pacemakers, metal implants, or braces

·Epilepsy or seizure disorders

·Open or broken skin

·Fear or apprehension of electrical current
