Soviet Union
Korea and Doctrine
Caleb Fox
Michael Jordan
Main reason why the U.S. did not trust the Soviet Union throughout WWII?
What is the US became more aware that Stalin had been an ally of Hitler and then supported the allies only after Hitler invaded the soviet union.
What was Stalin's goal in supporting communist governments in Eastern Europe?
What is to slow down all invasions from the west
What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?
What is A warning by the US that it would defend middle east against an attack by any communist country.
What is Foxy's brothers name
Who is Cruz
What Cartoon Movie did Jordan star in
What is Space jam
why did the launching of Sputnik I create fear in the US? What did american GOV. do to respond to this?
What was shocked at being beaten. Poured money into their own space program.
What promise did Stalin make yet not fulfill that made president Truman distrust him even more?
What is Promised free elections in Poland and other parts of eastern Europe.
How did congress feel about the Truman doctrine?
What is That it would keep soviet influence from spreading.
What sport does Foxy love
What is Basketball
What Number did Jordan change to after retirement
What is number 45
What was the main purpose of the UN?
What is Hope to bring world peace.
What did the U.S and Soviets think about the creation of Israel?
What is accepting the plan.
Why did the US support south korea in 1950?
What is Because the Truman Doctrine said that the US would support any country facing a communist take over.
What is Foxy's favorite hobby
What are Video Games
How did the US government view Chiang Kai-Shek?
What is Found his government to be inefficient and hopelessly corrupt.
One Thing the Soviet Union disliked about the allies throughout WWII.
What is What is That the US kept its development of the atomic bomb a secret, also Stalin resented the Western Allies delay in attacking the Germans in Europe.
which 2 major countries supported north korea during the korean war?
What is Soviet Union and China.
How much Does Foxy Bench press
What is 300 pounds
What other team did he play for other than the bulls
Who are the Wizards
Why did the US government give Chiang Kai-shek 3 billion dollars?
What is to help him try rebuilding his government so communism wouldn't take over.
what happened to the "last U-2 flight?"
What is a soviet pilot shot it down and Francis powers was forced to parachute into soviet-controlled territory and was sentenced 10 years prison.
Social costs of the Korean war on America?
What is increased a fear of communist aggression.
What school did foxy go to before Liberty Union
What is Mason County Schools in Maysville, KY
How many Championships did Jordan win with the Bulls
What is 6 Championships