& Tissues
This is the basic unit of all living things, responsible for carrying out life processes.
what is a cell?
This is the number of bones in the adult human skeleton.
What is 206?
These are the three types of muscle tissue.
What are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle?
This is the main control center of the nervous system, responsible for processing and sending signals.
What is the brain?
This system includes the skin and its accessory organs
What is the integumentary system?
his part of the cell contains DNA and controls cell activity.
What is the nucleus?
This is the function of the skeletal system that involves making red and white blood cells.
What is blood cell production?
This muscle raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead.
What is the frontalis?
This division of the nervous system controls voluntary muscle movements.
What is the somatic nervous system?
The endocrine system is responsible for producing these chemical messengers.
What are hormones?
Name the four types of tissue found in the body.
What are epithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve tissue?
Name two bones of the cranium.
What are the frontal bone and parietal bone?
This muscle allows you to turn your head side to side and is located in the neck.
What is the sternocleidomastoid?
These special nerve cells transmit signals between different parts of the body.
What are neurons?
This body system enables oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release.
What is the respiratory system?
This tissue type supports, protects, and binds other tissues.
What is connective tissue?
This bone is also called the collarbone
What is the clavicle?
The ring-shaped muscle around the mouth responsible for lip movement.
What is the orbicularis oris?
This part of the brain is responsible for balance, posture, and coordination
What is the cerebellum?
The excretory system includes these organs responsible for waste removal.
What are the kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, and large intestine?
This process involves a cell dividing into two identical daughter cells.
What is mitosis?
This part of the skeleton includes the ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae.
What is the thorax?
This muscle covers the back of the neck and upper back, helping with shoulder movement.
What is the trapezius?
The nervous system is divided into two main parts. Name them.
What are the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system?
This system works with the circulatory system to remove waste and fight infection
What is the lymphatic system?