what did Moses do to the Egyptian that was beating the old Hebrew man?
Murdered the Egyptia.
When Israel asks for a human king they reject ______
God’s Kingship.
What is Typology?
Study of Symbols.
The mass is a transition from____.
Earthly things to divine things
He fled to____.
A human king will______.
What does Typology connect?
The Old and the New Testament.
What is essential in the liturgy?
How old was Moses who God talked to him?
He was 80 years Old.
A divine king will____.
Christ is the “New Adam“ is an example of___.
Ritual is something made by_____.
What did Moses do with the Ten Commandments?
He destroyed them.
Who was Israel’s first King?
King Saul.
What was Manna used for in the desert?
Used as the Eucharist
Liturgy is something made by____.
What did God gave Moses?
The Ark of the Covenan.
What problems did king Saul bring?
Civil War and Political moral Threats.
Mary as the ”New Eve” is____.
An example of typology.
The mass is a proclamation of____.
The kingdom of God