Origins of American Constitutional Government
Influential Documents and Ideas
Three Types of Colonies

English colonists saw the need for an orderly regulation of their relationships with one another - a need for government.

What is Ordered Government?


Fundamental rights as trial and due of law.

What is the Magna Carta?


Subject to the direct control of the crown

What is Royal Colonies?


Colonists brought with them the idea that government is restricted in what it may do.

What is Limited Government?


Document prepared by Parliament and signed by King Charles I of England in 1628.

What is The Petition of Right?


organized by a proprietor, a person to whom the king had made a grant of land, that land could be settled and governed much as the proprietor chose

What is The Proprietary Colonies?


Idea that government should serve the will of the people.

What is Representative Government?


Right to a fair  trial, freedom from excessive bail and from cruel  and unusual punishment

What is The English Bill of Rights?



What is The Charter Colonies?


They created local governments, based on those they had known in England. 

What is Ordered Government?


Demanded that the king no longer imprison or otherwise punish any person but by the lawful judgment of his peers  or by the law of the land.

What is The Petition of Right?


8: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

What are The Royal Colonies?


People should have a voice in deciding what government should and should not do.

What is Representative Government? 


Great Charter forced upon King John of England by his barons in 1215; established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute and guaranteed trial by jury and due process of law to the nobility

What is The Magna Carta?


2: Connecticut and Rhode Island

What are The Charter Colonies?