Section 1- Solving America's Problems
Section 2 - Women's Suffrage
Section 3 - Discrimination in Progressive Society
Section 4 - Progressive Push for Political Reform
Section 5 - Progressive Era Presidents

The Era that happened from about 1890-1920 in the United States when Americans wanted positive change and progress.

What is the Progressive Era?


What convention happened in 1848 that advocated for the social, civil, and religious rights of women? 

What is the Women's Rights Convention or the Seneca Falls Convention?


Why do African Americans move North during the Progressive Era?

What is they move North to escape the violence and discrimination of the South?


An informal political group designed to gain power and usually led by a powerful "party boss." Tammany Hall was well-known for being one of these.

What is a political machine?


Progressive reforms introduced by Teddy Roosevelt to benefit all common people. 

What is the Square Deal?


This was an incident where 146 people died in New York City in a factory. The emergency exits were locked/sealed by the bosses and many couldn't escape the deadly fire. 

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?


The Declaration of Sentiments, based on the Declaration of Independence, stated that all men AND women were created equal was delivered by who?

Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?


A fee that had to be paid before voting.

What is a Poll Tax?

An election where voters cast ballots to select the nominees for the final election. 

What is a direct primary?


Someone or organization that uses legislation to break up business trusts

What is a trustbuster?


This famous muckraker took photos of tenement houses to expose the awful conditions that people were forced to live in. 

Who is Jacob Riis?

The idea that women's main responsibility was taking care of the home and children was known as what?

What is the cult of domesticity?


These were required to take before one was allowed to vote in order to prove a minimum standard of knowledge. Most of the time African Americans and White people were given different ones. 

What is a Literacy Test?


Citizens propose bills by gaining a certain amount of signatures on a petition.

What is a referendum?


What incident caused the federal government to step in and negotiate a compromise between the two parties and how long did it last?

What is the Miners Strike that lasted for 5 months?


Jane Addams was a progressive reformer who established this well-known settlement house in Chicago in 1889. This settlement house provided social services like legal aid, employment help, healthcare, etc. to help those within in the community. 

What is the Hull House?


She was a prominent muckraker who was born into slavery. She led anti-lynching crusades in the U.S. and created what became the National Association of Colored Women in 1896. 

Who is Ida B. Wells Barnett?


The Supreme Court case that established the principle of "separate but equal" in terms of society. 

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


This amendment prohibited the sale and manufacture of alcohol.

What is the 18th Amendment?


The president that set aside over 148 million acres as forest reserves and established more than 50 wildlife sanctuaries. 

Who is Teddy Roosevelt?


This labor reformer focused on women and children in the workplace and also helped to create the National Consumers League which investigated the conditions under which products were made and sold. 

Who is Florence Kelley?


The 19th Amendment, passed in 1919 and ratified by congress in 1920, guaranteed what?

What is women's suffrage?


Two prominent Black, male reformers with varying ideas of how to approach social equality for freed slaves in post-Civil War America. 

Who are W.E.B Dubois and Booker T. Washington?

These two acts help to end monopolies and prohibit practices that harm consumers.
What are the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts?

The three parties that ran candidates in the 1912 election. 

What are the Republican, Democratic, and Bull-Moose Parties?