a form letter would not be appropriate for
what is outlining an accident victim's injuries
used to formally introduce a word a list, a statement or question,
what is a colon
provides specific written instructions regarding the examination and diagnostic test performed in the office
what is an information sheet
what is sheets of paper in a ream
if you receive a letter or package that you suspect is contaminated, you should
what is wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
when using the three read system of proofreading, which of the following do you check for first
what is errors in composition
used between two clauses of a compound sentence when they are not joined by a conjunctions
what is a semi colon
4 spaces below the closing
what is the senders name
this would be sent to a licensing board
what is a professional letter
when you annotate the incoming mail, you
what is identify for the physician important points to be noticed
release would be required to give information about a patient to
what is a life insurance questionnaire
used after words, expressions, or sentences to show strong feelings
what is an exclamation mark
it is not as secure, private, and confidential as people think
what is a disadvantage of using email
there are 3 letter styles
what is full block letter, modified block letter, modified block letter with indented paragraphs
a _____ sentence contains two or more independent clauses, separated by a comma.
what is a compound
used in contractions to signify that one or more letters have been left out
what is an apostrophe
used to enclose matter apart from the main thought
what is parenthesis
what is adverbs commonly end in
this mail service is used to ensure that mail is delivered only to a specific addressee or an authorize agent of the addressee
what is restricted delivery
placed after every direct question
what is a question mark
used to separate two adjectives when the word can be inserted between them
what is a comma
used when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage
what is ellipsis
Standard type font to help expedite delivery
what is addressing a letter
used to enclose a direct quote
what is quotation marks
placed at the end of a statement
what is a period