Hills Sachs lesion
A fracture at the back of the humeral head connecting to the humerus, caused by trauma of the glenoid after dislocation.
What are the SITS called?
Teres minor
How is the Neer's Impingement test done and, if it tests positive how do you know?
Athlete- Stands /Sits Clinician- gently flexes the arm to full range and puts gently resistance in the arm - Anterior or shoulder pain -Positive for rotator-cuff tendonitis
What movements can the shoulder do?
Hyperextension, abducition addcution , forward flexios, internal rotation, external rotation,
According to what academy did it say that about 7.5 million see a doctor because of a shoulder injury?
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons ( 2006)
Force Couple
Two equal forces acting in different directions in order for the bone to rotate the bones of the hsoulder girldel in it's axis.
What joints make the shoulder girdle?
Sternoclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular joint
glenohumeral joint
How is the crossover impingement test done, and if it tests positive how do you know?
Athlete-sits/stands clnicinan- gently hori\zontally adducts the arm to full range - Positive if pain is in the AC joint -It tests for rotator cuff tendonitis
How is the shoulder kept stabilize?
By the deltoid muscle and the rotator-cuff muscles - (called the force couple)
What year and who popularized the word impingement syndrome?
In 1972 by Doctor Charles Neer
Impingement syndrome
Humeral head and the acromion become sqeeze
Where is the brachial plexus located?
Spinal cord, arm, hand, wrist (sends sensory signals to eachother)
How is the Hawkin's impingement test done, and if it tests positive how do you know?
Athlete-stands/ sits & each elbow is flexed to 90 degrees, arm internally rotated- clnician- apply pressure to the internal rotation
Positive if there is anteiro shoudler pain- Tests for rotator-cuff tendonintis
What is the term of a group of muscles acting together to aid movement of a joint?
The shoulder is the only joint of the body with..............
360 degrees of rotation
Referred Pain
Trauma that happen in one area but, the pain is felt elsewhere.
What compartments are in the scapula and clavicle?
ch-21 (pg- 351) Figure 21-2 go to the page and label in a piece of paper without looking at the names only the picture.
Body, spinous process , coracoid process, acromion, verterbral border, auxillary border, glenoid fossa
How is the Speed's test test done, and if it tests positive how do you know?
Athlete- sits/stands - shoulder flexed(90 degrees) palm facing up - Clinician-applies downward resistance in the arm- Positive- pain in the bicipital groove -Tests for bicep-long tendonitis
What stabilizes the joint while moving?
Dynamic Stability
What age group are more vulnerable for a recurrent dislocation?
People under 20 years old have a 80-90% of a higher chance than people who are over 40 years old
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Immflamatory injury that narrows the pathways, pressure on the median nerve
What are the names of the bones of the ribcage and humerus and clavicle?
Go to ch 21 ( pg- 350) Figure 21-1 And get a piece of paper and draw the structure and label the bones and everything without looking at the names only the picture.(joints, bones, process etc)
Sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, scapula, humerus, man ubrum, glenohumeral joint, lesser tubercle of humerus, bicipital groove, greater tubercle of humerus, coracoid process of scapula, acromion, clavicle,
How is the Drop-arm sign test done, and if it tests positive how do you know?
Athlete - sits/ stands - arm olverhead- slowly lowers arms - Positive- mid-range when the arm is lowered -It tests for rotator cuff- integrity
What bones are involved in the sterno-clavicular joint
The sternum and the clavicle.
What muscles are the ones in the shoulder girlde?
coracobrachialis - serratus anterior- trapezius- pectoralis minor- rhomboid minor- rhomboid major - levator scalpae-pectoralis major- teres major- teres minor- deltoid- supraspinatus- infraspinatus-lattisimus dorsi-