Progressive Era
Great Crash/Depression
New Deal Acts
All things FDR

Were well known for their efficient management but usually treated workers poorly. They focused on profit and dominance

Who are Robber Barons


A movement to discourage the drinking of alcohol and ultimately to ban the manufacture and sale of

What is Temperance and Prohibition


In the 1930's dry weather in the Southern Us led to severe drought. Combined with the effects of mechanized farming practice, left the top soil vulnerable to being blown away from large area of farmland. 

What is the Dust Bowl


Suggested by Frances Perkins - It brought in a system of unemployment insurance that would ensure some income when a worker became unemployed. Same system would apply to retirement pensions. 

What is the Social Security Act


During the 1930's Roosevelt gave regular national radio broadcasts in the evening to try to restore confidence in the government to persuade people to support his polices. 

What are Fireside Chats


Opened up million of acres in the West for settlement. Any American who paid a small fee would get 160 acres.

What is the Homestead Act of 1862


Are accommodation blocks five to seven stories high, built with two air shafts on the inside and designed to house as many people as possible.

What are Dumbbell Tenement Buildings


Was a pioneer of the motor industry who revolutionized car production by developing the assembly line. He had an enormous impact on technological development in the US economy. 

Who is Henry Ford


A government legislation passed during the depression that dealt with the bank problem. The act allowed a plan which would close down insolvent banks and reorganize and reopen those banks strong enough to survive.

What is the Emergency Banking Act


FDR appointed the first female cabinet member as his Labor Secretary. She was a former social worker who championed the Civilian Conversation Corps, minimum wage laws, and restrictions of child labor and maximum hours of work.

Who is Frances Perkins


The reason the workforce grew from 11.2 million in 1860 to 24 million in 1890, and 29 million in 1900.

What is immigration


Was president from 1909 until 1913 and was more conservative than his predecessor but he continued prosecuting business under the Sherman Antitrust Act.

Who is William Howard Taft


Group of expert policy advisers who worked with FDR in the 1930s to end the great depression.

Who are Brain Trusts


A relief, recovery, and reform effort that gave 2.5 million poor citizens jobs and land. It brought cheap electric power, low-cost housing, cheap nitrates, and the restoration of eroded soil.

What is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)


The Emergency Banking Act, the Economy Act, the Farm Relief Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Emergency Relief Administration, the end of Prohibition and the National Industrial Recovery Act were all introduced into legislation by FDR

What are the First Hundred Days


Was designed to restrict the concentration of economic power in too few hands - which could reduce competition. Wasn't enforced unit T. Roosevelt became president in 1901

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act


Raising of an Income Tax - 1913

16th Amendment to the United States Constitution


Created in 1913 to manage the currency, supervise banking, act as a lender of last resort in a crisis and to control interest rates for lenders.

Federal Reserve Bank


Revealed the appalling working conditions in the American meat packing industry, set off the process of ending food adulteration. (Party inspired by Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle)

What is The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906


The author of The Jungle and Muckraker did much to expose the dreadful conditions in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Ran for Governor in California and FDR's lack of support and association with this man caused his support to suffer. 

Who is Upton Sinclair 


Was first used by Henry Flagler of Standard Oil Company. Was a loophole around laws that didn’t allow companies to own property in other states. Were vital for the creation of monopolies.

What is a Trust


Various attempts by farmers to organize themselves in the same way as trusts. First major attempt came in 1867 when Oliver Kelley founded the Patrons of Husbandry. This movement continued on through the Progressive Era. 

The Granger Movement


A major fall in retail prices. This leads to discouraged investment as well as further contraction in the economy. When this happens it can have very serious economic consequences. 

What is deflation


Gave powers to the federal government to act in agricultural matters dealing with prices and production, This was revolutionary.

The farm Relief Act ( Agricultural Adjustment Act)

He founded his Share the Wealth society in 1934, which proposed heavy taxation of the rich, old age pensions and a grant of $5,000 to each family. He did not think the New Deal was radical enough 

Who is Huey Long