Understanding Stress
Stress terms
Stress Management

The interpretation of specific events as threatening or challenging.

What is Stress?


Five stress management techniques. 

What is exercise, relaxation, social support, behavior change, laughing, etc.


A forced choice between two or more incompatible alternatives.

What is Conflict?


The strategies we use to relieve or regulate our emotional reactions to a stressful situation.

What is Emotion-Focused Coping?


Types of events such as mass shootings and and natural disasters are examples.

What are Cataclysmic events?


The belief that you are in control of your own fate leads to effective decisions and a healthy lifestyle.

What is Internal LOC?


A forced choice involing one option with equally desirable and undesirable characteristics.

What is Approach-Avoidance Conflict?


This non-invasive, non-drug treatment is used to help pain sufferers learn how to control one or more of their involuntary bodily functions by monitoring their own brain waves, heart rate, blood pressure, degree of muscle tension, etc.

What is Biofeedback?


The strategies that the ego uses to reduce anxiety, which distort reality and may increase self-deception.

What are Defense Mechanisms?