This organelle synthesizes carbohydrates and can receive partially synthesized proteins from the rough ER
Golgi Complex
The membrane of most every cell has a layers of lipids called the
phospholipid bilayer
who discovered the double helix, before the xray
watson and crick
All genes in a person is considered to be their
This organelle is AKA the stomach of the cell. It packs digestive enzymes and disposes of worn out organelles as well as destroying cells that are no longer needed
The liquid inside of the nucleus is called the ____
Spell out DNA and RNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Ribonucleic acid
Out of the different types of RNA which one reads the information from the DNA
Ribosomal RNA
During the process of transcription, ___ are removed to leave ____
This organelle has 2 different parts. First the ______ is flooded with ribosomes that are responsible for protein synthesis, and then the ____ which is the site for all fat storage, calcium, and processes detoxification
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Ribosomes are made in a structural part of the nucleus called the
What are the 3 components of a nucleotide
Nitrogenous base/group
Phosphate group
Sugar ( deoxyribose)
DNA helicase
Write out the full names of each and their pairing
A, G, T, C, U
Thymine --> only in transcription
Uracil --> only in translation
This is a pair of orangelles found near the nucleus, that serves as the basal body. Microtubules come from here and it helps with the major process of mitosis.
The ___ is a supportive framework of protein filiments and tubules n a cell that determines the cells shape and durability.
What is the name of the proteins we use to package DNA
Which form of RNA copies or codes for an RNA strand
messenger RNA
this is a 3 code sequence in the tRNA that binds to the codon in an mRNA
This organelle packs enzymes that are bounded by a single membrane, it can also neutralize free radicals, decompose fatty acids, and detoxify alcohol/drugs.
Think "peroxide"
Of the 3 sections of the cytoskeleton please name them in order from the definitions below.
1. Smallest, dynamic, and under the plasma membrane
2. middle, all over plasma membrane , not dynamic, made of keratin
3. largest, centrioles, dynamic, and made of tubulin
1. microfilaments
2. Intermediate Filaments
3. Microtubules
For every chromosome we have 2 identical parts after mitosis occurs. These are referred to as
sister chromatids
The RNA is most commonly found in this part of the cell _____, and is single stranded or a double helix?
Single stranded
This membrane bound organelle does the cutting, splicing, and conjugation in the translation process
golgi complex