las horas
las actividades
las bebidas
las comidas

Jose says: 

"Es una hora de la tarde. ¿Qué debo comer?" 

Think about the meal he is referring to. What would you eat for _____?

For lunch, some good ideas include:

- una sopa (de verduras, de tomate, etc.)
- una bocadilla
- una pizza
- un sándwich, etc.


Name an activity that one might do to be more healthy:

caminar (to walk / walking) | esquiar (skiing) | levantar pesos (lifting weights) | correr (to run) | montar en bicicleta (biking) | hacer ejercicios (exercise) | practicar yoga | etc.


Name a drink that you might see para el desayuno

el café | el jugo de naranja | el té | etc.


Name some foods that match the proteína category

los frijoles (beans)
la carne (meat)
el bistec (steak)
el pescado (fish)
el pollo (chicken)
los huevos (eggs)
los lácteos (dairy products)


Maria says:

"Son las siete de la mañana. ¿Qué debo beber?" 

Think about the time of day, and what meal makes the most sense...then pick some appropriate things to consume:

For breakfast, a lot of people like to drink: 

- el café | jugo de naranja | jugo de manzana | la leche | el té | etc.


Name one activity that you ought to avoid if you want to stay healthy:

- una dieta de poca variedad (a limited diet)
- beber mucho café | refrescos | bebidas alcohólicas
- comer mucho carne (eat a lot of meat)
- no dormir bastante (not sleeping enough)
- no hacer ejercicio
- ver mucha televisión


Name at least 2 drinks that you like:

jugo (de fruta) | yerba mate | el café | el té | el chocolate caliente | la leche | etc. 


Share some frutas that you might eat:

la banana (banana) | la frambuesa (raspberry) | la fresa (strawberry) | la pera (pear) | la manzana (apple) | el melocotón / durazno (peach) | la sandía (watermelon)


Juanita says:

"Son las seis de la tarde. ¿Qué debo comer?" 

Think about the time of day, and what meal makes the most sense...then pick some appropriate things to consume:

Since it is evening / la cena, some appropriate foods to eat might include:

- el bistec | la ensalada | los espaguetis | el pescado | el pollo | las verduras | etc.


Name at least 2 healthy activities:

caminar (to walk / walking) | esquiar (skiing) | levantar pesos (lifting weights) | correr (to run) | montar en bicicleta (biking) | hacer ejercicios (exercise) | practicar yoga | etc.


Name some things mentioned as healthy drinks

jugo de granada (pomegranate) | la leche baja en grasa | el tē | jugo de remolacha | etc.


Name some vegetales / verduras that you might eat:

las judías verdes | los guisantes | la lechuga | el tomate | la papa | las zanahorias | la cebolla | el chile, etc.


How would you say the following time, and what could you eat at this time?

It is cinco de la tarde; you can eat la cena (dinner) food, such as: 

- el bistec | la ensalada | los espaguetis | el pescado | el pollo | las verduras | etc.


What are some actividades saludables that you like to do?

hacer artes marciales | patinar | bailar | caminar | correr | etc.


What are some adult drinks that you shouldn't drink all that much:

la cerveza (beer) | el vino (wine) | la champaña (champagne) | el café | etc.


Name some granos that you might eat:

El pan | los pasteles | la pasta | la avena | el cereal | etc.