People II
Settlements and Settlers in North America
Trade Networks
Native American
This Genoese sea captain made a voyage to Asia in 1492 by going west across the Atlantic in search for an alternate route to Asia
What is Christopher Columbus

This French explorer(s) explored the lower Mississippi, claimed a river valley, and named it Louisiana in honor of French king, Louis XIV

What is Jacques Marquette, Louis Joliet, and Sieur de La Salle

This settlement was named after King James from an English company
What is Jamestown
This enterprise was known for the buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas
What is the Atlantic Slave Trade

What wiped out Native Americans by the tens of thousands?

What is disease

This Spaniard was a conquistador and took over the Aztec Empire with the aid of superior weaponry, help from various native tribes, and disease.
What is Hernando Cortes

Portuguese Explorer who was the first to circumnavigate the world

Who was Ferdinand Magellan


This country dominated Slave trade and from 1690 to 1807, it was the leading carrier of enslaved Africans

Who is England

The transatlantic trading network along which slaves and other goods were carried between Africa, England, Europe, the West Indies, and the colonies in the Americas
What is the triangular trade

Leader of the Aztec Empire during this period

Who was Montezuma

This conquistador traveled to South America in 1532 and conquered the Incan Empire in 1533
What is Francisco Pizarro
This French explorer found the St. Lawrence river and an island named Mont Real(Mount Royal) which later became known as Montreal
What is Jacques Cartier

This was France's colonial empire in North America

What is New France

This voyage brought captured Africans to the West indies and later to North and South America
What is the Middle Passage

Leader of the Incan Empire during this time

Who is Atahualpa  


Portuguese explorer who claimed Brazil for Portugal

Who is Pedro Alvares Cabral


Italian explorer whose name-sake became the continent names of the New World

Who is Amerigo Vespucci

This land was all of the Dutch holdings in North America
What is New Netherland
This was the global exchange of foods, plants, animals, and disease during the colonization of the Americas
What is the Columbian Exchange

Only Native to successfully resist colonization. Kept the Southwest part of the US from New Spain for nearly a decade.

Who is PopĂ© 


English explorer employed by the Dutch. Tasked with finding water route through North America to get to India and named waterways after himself as he went.

Who was Henry Hudson

This French explorer sailed the St. Lawrence river with about 32 colonies and founded Quebec which became known as New France
What is Samuel de Champlain

This group sought religious freedom from England's Anglican Church and established a larger colony at nearby Massachusetts Bay

Who is the Puritans


This economic theory believed that a country's power came from its wealth, aka the whole point of colonies



What was the encomienda system and why did Europe moved away from it?

System where Natives were "gifted" as part of land sales to be workers. 

As disease ran rampant, Native numbers dwindled and so more workers had to be imporetd (slaves).