Agriculture's Beginning
Life in Catal Huyuk
A New Way of Life

During this time period, people used stone tools and began to grow food as well as hunt.

What is the New Stone Age?


Also known as a sudden or great change, this occurred when agriculture first became popular and changed the way people lived.

What is a revolution?


Farmers cleared forests using this technique to make more farmland.

What is slash and burn?


This tool displays information about numbers by comparing the sizes of objects

What is a cartogram?


Many archaeologists believe hunters and gathers started building permanent homes in areas with a large amount of these resources.

What are wild grains and animals?


The food surplus in Catal Huyuk allowed farmers to do what?

What is trade their food for other products?


Although slash and burn agriculture solved some problems, it also caused this problem that affected topsoil.

What is erosion?


This tool displays land areas in relation to their actual size.

What is a physical/political map?


People in Catal Huyuk began to do this to plants and animals in order to get the resources they wanted.

What is domesticate?


The walls of houses in Catal Huyuk were made of this material.

What is brick?


Farmers in Southeast Asia's Yangtze Valley learned to build these in order to farm on landscapes not usually used for growing crops.

What are terraces?


If two land masses are exactly the same size on a population cartogram, they are equal in this.

What is population?


Having a food surplus allowed for this change in the way people lived in Catal Huyuk to happen.

What is specialization of crafts/trade in a permanent community?


The world first farmers domesticated these crops and animals (give an example of one crop and one animal)

What are goats, cattle, sheep, wheat, barley, peas, lentils?


Many different goods being made by different people in Catal Huyuk is an example of this change.

What is specialization?


Early farmers sometimes had worse health than hunter-gatherers because of this.

What is poor nutrition/failed crops/sickness spreading in highly populated areas?


Many people came to Catal Huyuk to do this.

What is trade for crafts and other goods?


A culture with systems of specialization, religion, learning and government, also called this, was formed in Catal Huyuk about 8,500 years ago.

What is civilization?