Terms to Know
Psychosocial Approaches
Behaviors of Cognitive Disorders
Elder Abuse
Diseases in the Elderly

Age-related changes in mental processes

What is Age-Associated Memory Impairment ?


encouraging socialization patterns within a group

What is Resocialization ?


What interventions could you use for a wandering patient who is trying to go home ?

What is informing and educating others about this problem, ensuring the patient has an identification bracelet, frequently checking in with the patient, observing for behaviors that trigger wandering, diverting attention, and maintaining a regular activity program ?


infliction of nonconsensual sexual contact of any kind

What is Sexual Abuse ?


 This is a safety issue for older adults and many states put limitations on it depending on age

What is driving?


a permanent condition characterized by a slow, insidious onset that affects memory, intellectual functioning, and the ability to problem solve

What is Dementia ?


orienting a patient to person, place, and time

What is Reality Orientation ?


people who were active before the onset of the disease and continue this activity

What is Wandering ?


infliction of physical pain and injury via assault and battery

What is Physical Abuse ?


 These people used to be ___ before they became wanderers

What is wanderers


the appearance or increase of symptoms of confusion or agitation in the late afternoon or early evening hours and usually continuing into the evening hours 

What is Nocturnal Delirium ?


reexamining past to promote socialization and mental stimulation

What is Reminiscence ?


Adequate nutrition is a problem for people with dementia and common feeding challenges such as loss of appetite, refusing to open the mouth, pocketing food, and refusing to swallow foods 

What is Eating Problems ?


theft of older adult's money, misuse of funds, or theft or misuse of possessions

What is Material Abuse ?


This disease is the most common form of dementia

What is Alzheimer disease?


an intervention used to change agitated behavior by giving positive feedback for desired behaviors and negative feedback for undesired behaviors

What is Behavior Modification ?


stimulate senses and provide new motivation in life through factual information rather than feelings 

What is Remotivation Therapy ?


Violent behavior in older adults can be because of a lifelong psychological pattern, an organic condition, or an adverse reaction to medication.

*Blank* can be caused by delirium, dementia, or psychological conditions

What is Agitation, Hostility, and Paranoia ?


failure to meet the needs of the older adult 

What is Neglect Abuse ?


This behavior may occur as a self-protective response to confusion, fear, pain, or sensory loss

What is aggression?


treatment option for patients who have severe forms of depression and have not responded to several regimens of medications

What is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) ?

decreases stress, promotes self-esteem and communication, reduces chemical restraints & protective devices, and delay institutionalization
What is Validation Therapy ?

What can the nurse do to alleviate confusion and fears associated with sundowning ?

What is using a night light, placing call light within reach, reducing stimulation in the environment, and moving the patient closer to the nursing station ?


verbal harassment , including intimidation, defamation, and isolation; it may also include threats of abandonment or physical violence

What is Psychological Abuse ?


Older patients need an increase of this in Alzheimer disease

What is Acetylcholine?