Describe two places in the body where you would find epithelial tissues
skin, organ linings, blood vessels
Where do you find the Haversion canal on a bone cell what runs through it in living bone?
center of the bone cell; blood vessel runs through it
a fascicle of muscle is made up of many myofibrils which are made up repeating _______ (measured from z line to z line)
The integumentary system basically refers to the __
name the bones that make up the Axial skeleton
skull, all the vertebrate, sternum, rib cage
Epithelial= coverings/ liners
Nervous=transmit signals
Muscle= move the body
Connective= keeps body parts together
Describe where you find the periosteum on a bone and what it contains
moist, outer covering on a bone; contains nerves, blood vessels
Describe What the myosin and actin fibers look like. Specify what part of the sarcomere each is attached to
Myosin=THICK filament attached to the m-line
Actin= thin filament attached to the z-line
Describe what melanin is and what its function is
Nails and hair are made up primarily of _____ (type of protein) What can nails indicate about health?
Name 4 types of connective tissues and what they do in the body
red blood cells = carry oxygen around;white blood cells= immune system; tendons= muscle to bon; ligaments= bone to bone; adipose= cushion/ insulation/ energy reserves; bone= framework for body
How do cartilage and synovial fluid help the skeleton to work properly?
cartilage provides flexibility and cushion while synovial fluid provides lubrication
Name the three muscle types and what each of their functions are
Skeletal-moves the body, Smooth-organ functions, Cardiac- pumps the heart
When looking at a cross section of the integumentary system, how can you tell the difference between oil glands and sweat glands? what is the function of each gland?
oil glands are attached to a hair follicle, sweat glands are by themselves
oil glands- provides waterproofing for skin....sweat gland- thermal regulation
Describe how a fracture heals using the terms soft callous stage, hard callous stage, ossification, and remodeling
1 soft callous stage forms cartilage around the break; 2 hard callous stage is when ossification begins to occur (cartilage becomes bone), 3 remodeling of the bone begins
Is the skeleton model in my room a male or female? Explain
Male-boxy eyes and jaw, pronounced mastoid process
pubic bone is less than 90 degrees, narrow pelvis, tilts upward
Explain the difference between the Axial skeleton and Appendicular skeleton in terms of function
Axial= protects vital organs
Appendicular= movement
What causes the striping/ striations in skeletal muscle? What causes muscles to contract?
overlapping of myosin and actin fibers
nerve signals stimulate the sarcomeres
When looking at tissue samples, how could you tell the difference between skin cells and adipose cells? What is adipose's function within the integumentary system?
skin cells will have a nucleus; adipose cells will not
adipose provides cushion and insulation for the skin
Use the model skeleton to name ALL the leg bones beginning with the pelvis
pelvis- femur-patella- tibia(shinbone)- fibula(smaller lower leg bone)-tarsals(ankle)-calcaneus(heel bone)-metatarsals-phalanges
Explain the difference between BAT and WAT in terms of function. Scientists are studying BAT more for what purpose?
WAT: cushion/ insulation
BAT: thermogenesis
studied to combat obesity
How could you tell if a person is still growing or not from an X ray of their femur by the patella? Detail what to look for
look for the growth plate/ epiphyseal plate at the end of the long bones
if there's a small gap, the person is still growing.
If a line, person is done growing
Describe how MYOSIN and ACTIN fibers interact during a muscle contraction. Include the role of ATP
Myosin will grab onto the Actin and pull inward toward the M-line
ATP is needed to relax the myosin so it will let go and the sarcomere can relax
Describe the difference between the epidermis and the dermis layers in terms of function.
Dermis=contains nerve cells, blood vessels, pigment, etc for skin to feel and stay alive
Compare and Contrast Ligaments and tendons (1 similarity and 1 difference each)
BOTH: connective tissue
Ligaments- hold joints together
Tendons- connects muscle to bone