Rocks and Weathering
Soil Formation
Soil Conservation
Soil Conservation II
All Earth Science

The movement of rock particles by wind, water, or ice

What is Erosion


Name all of the components of soil.

rock particles, minerals, decayed organic materials, air and water.  (Need 3 of these 5)


Name the three uses that change the land

Agriculture, Development (building cities, deforestation, etc.), Mining


Flatenning hill slopes in sections in order to slow the flow of water and erosion.

What is Terraces?


Which of  the following is found in the highest percentage in soil?

minerals, organic material, water or air

What is minerals?


True or False:  Weathering occurs faster in a dry environment

False:  Weathering occurs faster in a wet environment.

Chemical weathering, which involves chemical reactions with water, is significantly faster in wet environments.  In dry environments any weathering which occurs is through mechanical weathering, like temperature fluctuations causing rock expansion and contraction, but this process is generally slower than with the aid of chemical weathering. 


Soil that is made up of equal parts clay, sand, and silt

What is loam


The loss of so much topsoil that make it difficult for plants to grow

What is soil erosion?


Any crop that leaves bare ground between the rows is alternated with a crop that completely covers the ground.  For example alternating rows of hay or wheat with rows of corn, soybeans, cotton, or sugar beets. 

What is strip cropping?


List the two requirements for soil development from the following:

mechanical weathering, chemical weathering, erosion, wind

What is mechanical and chemical weathering.  If someone says, "weathering without erosion" - that's good.


True or False  Erosion is the breaking down of rocks, while weathering refers to their transportation.

False  vice-versa


A dark colored substance that forms as plant and animal remains decay

What is humus


When crops are planted in rows parallel to the contours of the land.

What is contour farming?


Plowing, planting and fertilizing are all done at the same time so as to give less time for wind to remove topsoil.

What is the no-till method


Which layer in a soil profile contains the most rocks from the bedrock?

Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C

What is Horizon C?


Name 4 agents of chemical weathering.

water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms and acid rain


A layer of soil that differs in color and texture from the layers above or below it

What is a soil horizon


Name the 2 of the 5 states severely affected by the Dust Bowl in the thirties

Colorado Kansas Oklahoma Texas New Mexico


Changing crops planted seasonally or annually to improve the soil health and fertility by replenishing nutrents and organic material. 

What is crop rotation?  
(This can reduce soil erosion and also break the life cycles of pests and diseases.)


Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic material?

Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C

What is Horizon A?


The two factors that affect the rate of weathering?

What are type of rock and climate, including temperature and moisture levels?


Put the following in order from largest to smallest:  silt, sand, clay, aand gravel

gravel, sand, silt, clay


Name a means of protecting soil from heavy winds

What is a windbreak?  (If a line of trees is given, good for 100 pt. less.  If both 100 pt additional)


Approximately how many years does it take for about 1 centimeter of topsoil to take form?

Believe it or not, 100 - 400 years!


Which layer in a soil profile contains the most clay?

Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C

what is Horizon B?