What language was used to determine the migration pathways of ancient people into Africa?
Bantu Migration
Kush gained independence from what kingdom and took over it until they were defeated by the Assyrians?
For the majority of Indian history, they had many small unstable kingdoms, until Chandragupta Maurya met what conqueror in the Indus River Valley. This meeting inspired Maurya to build his own kingdom.
Alexander the Great
Once Alexander died, Maurya took advantage of the weakness in Northern area and created the first strong and stable Indian empire.
What person is known for his wise sayings?
Han Emperor _____ ____ brought about a new era in Chinese history marked with great achievements known as the Pax Sinica (Chinese Peace)
Wu Ti
The area of sub-Saharan Africa is _________ of the Sahara Desert.
The ancient city of Djenne-Djeno was lived in for about 1,650 years and is believed to be the oldest city in West Africa. There is evidence that they produced _____________ in a stone furnace
What empire is marked with the greatest era of prosperity and achievement?
The Great Wall was built in the _____ Dynasty.
The Great wall was built to prevent what group of nomadic Asians from raiding Chinese towns and cities?
The Huns
(The same group that would later push out all of the Germanic tribes into Rome with Attila as their leader).
What religion came along in West Africa that soon mixed with local tribal religions?
Islamic leaders hated that their religion was becoming co-mingled.
Asoka helped spread what religion throughout east Asia after he renounced all of his future military conquests?
After the death of Qin Shi Huang, his dynasty fell apart, to which a new one took its place by the rebel leader Liu Bang. What is that dynasty called?
The Chinese were the first to use paper (as we know it today) and _________ to write with.
Frumentius promoted what in in the Kingdom of Aksum
The city of Meroe was the capital city of what kingdom?
What religious group viewed Buddhism as a threat to the caste system.
This Chinese invention forever changed the world and was first used in fireworks
Qin Shi Huang was the first to standardize the weights and measures, coinage systems, and uniformity to the ________ system
Steles are commemorative stone pillars built by what civilization?
African kingdoms were usually dominated by a single ___________
Because of polygamy (having more than one wife), African families were large and complex. Several families with a common ancestor formed a clan. A group of 2 or more clans formed a tribe.
In an effort to stay attractive to Indian people, Hinduism de-emphasized the 1,000 of gods to a more simplified one with Brahma, Vishnu, and ___________. This made it a more personal religion that made it popular.
Brahma (creator of the world), Vishnu (preserver of the world), ad Shiva (destroyer of the world).
In the Chinese form of writing, their ___________ still represent Biblical knowledge from the time of Creation to the Flood.
In 220 A.D., what caused the Han Dynasty to fall apart and usher in a new era of internal wars and foreign invasions?